Am I the only one who really didn't enjoy x-mas?

by willdabeerman 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    I had the best Christmas ever! Not because I recieved gifts, but because I went to see an old friend. My sister, Laurie, asked if I wanted to go see Phillip. I didn't know that he still lived in the same place.

    I was able to say I was sorry for how I had spoke to him when I was a JW. You see, Phillip, was my first. We were best friends as kids and we dated for a while when I was 18. Then when he was 28, he let everyone know he was bi sexual.

    Well, seeing how I was trying to be a good little Dub, when I saw him about 5 or 6 years ago, I let him know that I loved him but I didn't approve of him being gay. ( I thought I could bring him into the "truth") I never had a problem with anyone being gay before being a jw, or now that I am no longer one.

    I was able to let him know just how sorry I was for how I acted and asked his forgiveness. Good old Phillip. He gave me the biggest hug, and told me he understood. He also said he was happy I was out of that religion. I gave him my phone number and told him to keep in touch. You see, Phillip has been H.I.V. possitive for the past 12 years. His second male partner knew he had aids and negleted to let Phillip know. Phillip now has full blown aids. I would never have forgiven myself if he had died before I had the chance to apologised.


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