What's going on ?

by Rockmangames 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • imanaliento

    We don't think Jehovah condems such celebrations, when in his word at COl 2:16 it states "do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a festival, new moon celebration or a Sabbath.

    most here are x's, and this is a welcome site to share, vent, encourage or whatever that one can not get from the pharisaic organization they once belonged to.

    good day!

  • Jesika


    Welcome and I do hope you stick around.

    Although this has nothing to do with holidays, may I please direct you to read my personal story................. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=37768&site=3

    It is a bit long, but very informative as to why alot of us are no longer JW's.

    If you need more info. go to silentlambs.org and you will find this isn't an isolated situation. Thanx for your time.


    If you would like to email me, email me through my aunt, I don't use my own computer so I don't publicly print my email addy, but my aunt will forward any email to me that has my name in the title without reading it.

    [email protected] Please use it and when the email is forwarded you will have my email addy when I respond.

    With love,

    Jesika Thoman Dallas,Tx

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    First welcome to the forum. Realize everyone is welcome here, Witnesses, ex-Witnesses and members of the Flat Earth Society. But keep an open mind. You might find out some very interesting facts about the organization. After all, the truth should be able to stand up to anything. Right?

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