Happy 29th Birthday Valis!

by The_Bad_Seed 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • The_Bad_Seed

    This lucky fellow I have come to know and love celebrates his date of birth two days before Jesus does up in heaven! This is not to say that Vallywally was born the same year as good ol' Jeezee boy - though his creaking brittle bones are getting close to becoming the same age - Valis will have to summon the strength in his Monty Burnsesque body to blow out that truckload of candles on his cholesterol free birthday pappadum. I love you, and want to have your babies.

    Happy birthday my good man! Dea benacht leat!

  • Gopher

    What Seed said goes for me too. Except the "babies" part.

    Happy birthday!! Of course this is just a stepping stone to the top of the hill, the big three-oh! And then you can join us on the downhill tumble. *L* (my first asterisked-laugh on this forum)

  • xenawarrior



    XW of the "can't wait for Valis to see this thread" class

    Edited by - xenawarrior on 24 December 2002 2:27:14

  • onacruse

    Hey, I just sent Valis to the heavenly smerfdom with that last snowball I threw, so now he and Smerfus can celebrate together.

    That someone like you has been allowed to exist on this planet for 29 years is the surest proof for atheism that I can imagine!


    Onanism no more

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Wow! 29!!!? I remember what that was like.


  • Simon

    Happy birthday Jesus erm I mean Valis ... ya old sod

  • Scarlet

    Happy Birthday

  • Aztec

    Have a very happy B-day! Have fun!!!

    The thing that made me the happiest on my 29th was listening to "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix a Lot over and over...LOL

    ~Aztec < ---baby got back

  • Skeptic

    Happy Birthday, Valis!

  • LyinEyes

    OMG Valis, I didnt know yourbirthday was so close to mine, we could have planned a party.

    You could have went to see the men of Playgirl with me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

    Next year we need to combine our birthdays and have a big party.................really.

    Happy Birthday,,,,,,,,,,and you are older than 29 arent ya???? You know with all your vast wisdom I was sure you were a little older..........

    Darn , how many birthdays have you had this year anyway........ ???

    If this truly is your birthday,,,,,,,,,,,,, happy happy birthday,,,,,,,and I shall instruct my hordes of Dallas demon apostates, to give you the recommended birthday whippings.......

    Calling,,,,,,,,,,,,the hordes now.........Billygoat, Mozzer, Mega, Roo, Eleswhere, ,,,,,,,, beat his ass good.......heheh

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