Another WTdouble standards

by Stan Conroy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    " Although the luau may originally have had some connection with false religious practices, the word has simply come to refer to a Hawaiian banquet. Many Christians may therefore conscientiously feel that they can participate."

    What if it read this way:

    " Although Christmas may originally have had some connection with false religious practices, the custom has simply become the celebrating the birth of the Messiah. Many Christians may therefore conscientiously feel that they can participate."


    " Although birthdays may originally have had some connection with false religious practices, the custom has simply become the celebrating the anniversary of ones birth. Many Christians may therefore conscientiously feel that they can participate."
    What's the difference?
  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    Hi Undercover,

    My point exactly. I am saving this rag, I mean mag, for the next time the topic of holidays or birthdays comes up (my son will be 1 in January, and we plan to have a birthday party for him)


  • NeonMadman

    Sorry for the delay on getting this posted, but I've been a little busy with another pagan celebration...

    Anyway, here's the full article in question:

  • Yizuman

    LOL, that is a double standard.

    This is ironic that the WTBS slams pagan rituals for years and then they talk about how wonderful all this Hawiian stuff is and how to roast a pig to boot.

    ~Proud to be a well educated deaf individual. What's your problem?~

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