Another WTdouble standards

by Stan Conroy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    I had the misfortune of looking through the June 8 2002 Awake, and stumbled across an article on Hawaiian Luahas (pardon my spelling as I don't have it here in front of me). The footnote said something along the lines of it originating with false religion, but now it's just considered a banquet, so many Christians participate with a clean conscience.

    Wait a minute!

    What ever happened to "if it had pagan origins it's bad"? Couldn't this be applied to birthdays, New Years, even Christmas, since it's pagan origins are long forgotten?


  • freedom96

    Come on! The WTS doesn't want to appear too wacko!

  • gumby

    Kinda like the Witnesses wearing a white wedding dress, exchanging rings, a bridesmaid, carrying the bride over the threshold..............but not allowing the throwing of rice as this was a pagan practice. Everything mentioned in the first sentence had Pagan origins.

    The GB are smarter than we are and KNOW which things are quit complaining against God's ordained messengers dammit!

  • link

    There are many people on the board who are far more knowledgeable on this subject than me but I seem to remember that the word "pagan" does not refer to a religion but rather to any group of people that are not Christians. By this definition the early Hebrews would have had to be Pagans as Christianity had not been invented in their day.

    Pagans could therefore be practising any other sort of religion.

    As I understand it the Watchtower do not frown on activities that were practised by Pagans per se but only those activities that reflected or were in some way connected to their religious activities.

    I am open to correction on this.


  • jasnowidz

    Jehovah's Witnesses Exposed -
    Exposes the history of the organization, the prophecy blunders, deceptive quotive, doctrinal flip flops, and corruption within the Jehovah's Witness organization.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    My point is: couldn't that argument be used for more than Hawaiian luahas? Christmas has nothing to do with religion for a lot of people. It's just an excuse to exchange gifts and for familty to get together. That being the case, "many Christians" should be able to participate with a clean conscience.

    How can you apply it to one situation, yet not apply it to others? (BTW, that's a rhetorical question; no need to try and answer it.)


  • Utopian_Raindrops


    What's the pic on That Awake? I'm looking for it and that just makes it easier to find.



  • Utopian_Raindrops

    hi everybody,

    I have the June 8th 2002 AWAKE in frount of me...Cover Story ," Can Science And Religion Be Reconciled?"

    The article in question is on pg.24 Title "Let's Have A Hawaiian Luau"

    It's realy all about cooking imu which is BB-Q Pig Hawaiian Style, but there is a foot note for paragraph 1 which says," Although the luau may originally have had some connection with false religious practices, the word has simply come to refer to a Hawaiian banquet. Many Christians may therefore conscientiously feel that they can participate."


    I mean isn't The Hula a pagan dance? After we became JW's we could not dance Native American Dances at Pow Wows anymore....we just became observers!! Many frounded on our attendance as it was.

    And X-Mas,Easter,...thier Pagan origens are so much farther in history then Hawaiians!! In history it's not that long ago a Hawaiian was having a Luau for thier Gods!!

    I have stayed away from my family for so many years......only realy associating with my parents who bent over backwards to find days off that were not on holidays to spend with thier Grandkids.

    People work today and a lot of times only get Holidays off!! So this is a real seperating in a sneeky way of people from thier familys. Making you feel uncomforatable with them because they are suposedly"Pagan".

    I am Mexican and when i wanted to use a Pinata at a party I was told No because, MAYBE there were PAGAN roots!! Not because they knew for a FACT but, because MAYBE!!! Then one year a Brother used one and I thought there was a policy change so I called Patterson and they had a freak! Started very excitedly asking...What cong?....Who was it?.....They gave me a spanish speaking Bro who was realy insistant!! I felt so uncomfortable that I hung up because I knew this man who had the party was a good person.

    So the Hawaiian Bro and Sisters can have Luaus but The Mexican ones can't even have a Pinata!!

    My daughter did not even have her Quinceanera!!! All her cousins did but not here!! It is a 15th birthday but, it is more a coming out party. To say she is growing up!! You don't even have to sing happy birthday!!

    This is so odd because we thought we did everything for JEHOAVH!

    Instead it was for some Men at Bethel. Heartless and cold men.

    I think this is because , the Hawaiian Bros and Sisters make money on Luaus. Do you know I am a musician and I could not play many things that would make me money because I was a JW. Holidays and Marriages in Christendoms Churches are the bread and butter. I gave up playing for many many years...too many.

    I am feeling sick....Can't believe this.

    I am never OBEYING blindly another religious leader again. I realy loved those men at Bethel...The GB.

    This is crazy.

    Sorry....just realy di sillusioned



  • JohnR


    You said,

    "I have stayed away from my family for so many years......only realy associating with my parents who bent over backwards to find days off that were not on holidays to spend with thier Grandkids."

    "People work today and a lot of times only get Holidays off!! So this is a real seperating in a sneeky way of people from thier familys. Making you feel uncomforatable with them because they are suposedly"Pagan"."

    Those are both excellent points. My Father always believed that was the purpose behind the teaching. To seperate the JW from their family and then substitute the KH as their new family. It makes them easier to control!


  • Utopian_Raindrops

    hi R.J.(John.R.)

    You know my Mother was always saying I was getting a new family and replacing them.

    I used to think she was just jealous. I would argue I wasn't replacing them that I could never do that...but I was.

    I have a Tia that was like a second mother to me and I have almost cut her out completely!

    Odd thing of this Tia is when my family had a meeting to decide what to do with me because I became JW.she asked them if I believed in Jesus Christ. Since the answer was yesthey did not ship me off to Mexico to live with family!

    She has always been good to me and I have been shameful!

    The worst of it is no one in the JW Religion was as good to me as my family would have been. Isnt that pitiful?

    What a trade.

    Your dad was very observant R.J.. Youre all blessed to have him



    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 24 December 2002 5:27:28

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