A Picture of the Universe at 300,000 Years Old

by D wiltshire 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    For those who are interested here is a picture of the universe at around 300,000 years old.

    This is concidered the discovery of the century (1992).


    There is of coarse much written about this discovery "Wrinkles in Time" by George Smoot himself is a very good book on the subject.

  • Silverleaf

    Aren't universes cute when they're that age?


  • Sentinel


    ....what a baby...

    how in the world do they ever come up with this stuff? I mean, if this is the universe, then what's on the outside of this elongated "egg"?

  • Satanus

    Looks like developement/growing from simplicity to compexity, from singularity to differentiation. Evolution, in other words.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    how in the world do they ever come up with this stuff? I mean, if this is the universe, then what's on the outside of this elongated "egg"?

    This is a picture that took about two years to make. The Cobe satillite scanned the sky 360 degrees and after accumulating the data this is the picture.

    Our universe as we see it can really be called a retroverse, what I mean is the farther we can see away from us the farther back in time we see also. So if we can see something 15 billion light years away, we actually see it as it looked 15 billion years ago. This picture of the universe is as far back as we can see using backround radiation(light of a very low fequency).

    This picture is very revealing to physist in that it shows that very early in the formation of the universe structure was starting to form, thus a further help in understanding why we have galaxies.

    to find out more type "cobe findings" in your search engine

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Hi old buddy.

    Looks like developement/growing from simplicity to compexity, from singularity to differentiation. Evolution, in other words
    Yes I think your right. The universe has to be evolving.

    When I look at the Manderbolt fractals, study Chaos, see the reaction of nonlinear equations and such it make me have reason to beleive there is a Cosmic Blueprint somewhere.

  • Xander

    So if we can see something 15 billion light years away, we actually see it as it looked 15 billion years ago

    I'll use a sci-fi example to illustrate this. I think it was the Berserker books in which this happened....

    A battle in space would take place. It was over quickly, and the human ships' distress call carried little information about the attack. The rescuing vessels arrived at the scene of the battle to find a field of debris. Well, what to do? They looked at the debris to find out how long ago the battle took place. Since they have faster than light space travel, they then jumped/warped/whatever far enough away from the battle so that the light of the battle hadn't gotten that far yet. They then point very powerful telescopes at the scene of the battle, and they can watch the whole thing 'as it happens' (IE., as the light from the battle starts arriving at their position). If they miss a detail, they just warp a little further out and rewatch the whole thing as the light beams advance ever further out.

    The thing to remember is that, while it appears so to our limited perception, light is NOT instantaneous. It takes a certain amount of time for the 'light' from a bulb to reach a wall. (Not much time, to be sure, but when you are crossing galaxies instead of hallways, it becomes VERY significant).

    If we look up at the sky and see light that is 15 billion light years away - that light has been coming from its source, spreading ever outward - and finally reaching earth for FIFTEEN BILLION YEARS.

  • Satanus

    Hi Dewilt

    there is a Cosmic Blueprint somewhere.

    Just some further thoughts. Would the blueprint preexist the more complex universe, thus being more complex than the universe in it's primordial stages, or even the universe now, as the universe and all it contains is not finished, yet? If so, then it would be way ahead of the universal developement. Perhaps development is similar to fractal developement. Fractal developement is guided by very simple instruction sets, compared to the end product. They don't race ahead of the fractals they are developing. Also, the instructions leave room for a lot of randomness.

    How about the possibility that the 'blueprint' is continuously being made as a record of the developing universe, and all in it? The term i've seen, for this is akashic records.


  • ThiChi

    Wow, who would of thought that the Universe looked like a fluorescent hamburger!

    My question is with the latest news on the adjustment of the age of the universe by three billion years, how does this affect this estimate of 300,000 years?

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I think the cosmic blueprint is based on something very simple but makes very complicated results kinda like the GUT. Many physists are looking for something that is amazingly simple, and beautiful at the same time. They can't say for sure that this is true, but intuitively many feel this to be the case.


    My question is with the latest news on the adjustment of the age of the universe by three billion years, how does this affect this estimate of 300,000 years

    This is as you say an estimate, I've heard as low as 100,000 years. This picture is suppose to be from the time just before the universe became transparent, which is what occurred when electrons were able to orbit neuclei and form atoms.This picture has been called by Steven Hawking, probably the greatest acheivment of the 20th century.

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