What male 'hovahs have to look forward to

by TR 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • kelsey007

    Well Ok then- I am going to go scrub on in my elder like position as janitor. BTW I chose this career because I do enjoy it. You are wlcome to visit my web site. I just never thought of my career as being any way connected to a JW thing. It paid my way through college and I chose to keep this work because it sure beats the hell out of anything offered in the coporate world IMHO.

    The "mop jocky" humbly lowers head and walks out to clean.........

  • Valis

    And you are a dickhead that can't read. j/k I think you are personalizing this whole thing for nothing In the first sentence I said "because you have a choice right?" I don't criticise anyone for making a living working hard. In no way do I demean your choice in profession and I think its great that you do very well for yourself. Obviously you do well, have some business acumin (SP?), and like the work you do. Carry on!....However, I'm not sure why I have to explain to you the reasoning that JWs have little impetus to do anything other than have jobs that don't require a degree. Just think of all the possibilities that JWs don't have to explore. Yes I read about your friend Clive and he too had opprotunities that, for the average JW, would never exist, regardless of what life choice he made far down the road.


    District Overbeer

  • rebel


    I think it is great that you are doing something that you enjoy. I had this discussion with friends the other day. We all agreed that we would rather have a job we really enjoyed than one that was high paying. It is also a bonus to work with people you like - it can make going to work such a misery if you work with horrible people. I don't mind what work I do - I have cleaned offices, toilets, windows etc. I have an MA and am looking into the possibility of studying for a PhD - but I still do cleaning if I need the money - you can earn more as a cleaner in London than a teacher or fireman! If it makes money and pays the bills, I'm happy to do it.


  • mommy1


    There is good money in cleaning if you work hard and own your own service. I have cleaned a few houses on my own and made good money for what I was doing in the past. It is a cut throat business in my neck of the woods since we have a lot of older people who use cleaning services. You go to bid and then another company will come in with another bid a little lower and before you know it you are working for hardly anything. I am glad you are doing well with your business.

  • kelsey007

    "we would rather have a job we really enjoyed than one that was high paying" Last year my biz grossed over one million dollars- not bad for a mop jocky. People so eagerly class cerain jobs, careers as demeaning or low paying or beneath them. I am greatful that I have work that is honest and pays well- I think it a shame that the world is full of snobs who want to believe that others "did not have opportunity to better themselves". though from my experience most of these sorts live in the USA- sadly enough.

    Really going out now to scrub my building along with 25 employees- but still scrubbing and providing a much needed service to the snobs LOL

  • Windchaser

    I didn't have much college, but I landed a pretty good job working in pr at a community college. Granted, I am clerical, but when I tell people that I work for a college, they tend to look a little more impressed than when I tell them my second job is cashier at a gas station.

    The point that I'm trying to make is that my impressive job wasn't paying the bills. I was just getting by. My demeaning job as cashier has gotten me the money I need to live a better life and I actually like doing it!

    Honest, hard work is a good thing. I firmly believe that making a living where you don't have to depend on others is one of the happinesses of life. No matter how 'demeaning' a job may seem, the good feeling you get when you are able to take care of yourself is up there with a night of great sex.

  • rebel

    Actually Kelsey, the job I enjoyed doing WAS cleaning - now who's jumping to conclusions?

    And if you want snobbery, come to the UK - we have a class system to beat anything you have in the US!

  • TR

    Oh, kelsey. KELSEY, Kelsey, kelsey. You misunderstand.

    Talk to JT, or look up some of his posts.

    BTW, The old guy is a Wal-Mart "cheese & cracker" man, not a janitor.


    Edited by - TR on 22 December 2002 18:21:28

  • TR


    Dang it TR.... I thought you were talking about never getting BJs.

    Love, Scully

    LOL! That's a whole DIFFERENT sob story of mine.


  • wednesday

    I held a professional job for years and enjoyed it. But i made more money when i did housecleaning. Teachers, nurses, etc, do not receive a lot of money (as compared to those with same education) but have the respect of community..Truck drivers, cleaning personnel can make more money but it is not considered as good a job by some.The teacher, professor, may be considered an intelletual, but not so the truck driver.Really, however, u pay the bills, what does it matter?It takes smarts to run a business.

    There is an inordinate amout of window cleaners, janitors, house cleaners, sign makers, in the jw org. children are not encourged to get higher education. We all no that. but things are changing.

    And yes, that was a pic of an older person at the walmart-not a janitor.

    Edited by - wednesday on 22 December 2002 20:24:24

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