Are JWs loosing it?

by eyeslice 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeslice

    Personally, I am more of a lurker than a poster, which I guess is because I am still very much on the fringes of the organization.

    Although many here have become bitter due to their experiences in the truth, I am sure that many of us look back on some really great times we had. There was a time when there was a great feeling of optimism, new families (not just the odd individual here and there) were studying and coming along. Families in the truth had good times together socially as well.

    Anyway, looking round our hall the other day, I was saddened by the thought that we are just loosing it. All the families in our congregation have been life long JWs. There is no new blood, no new enthusiasm, and no zeal any more. The brothers and sisters seem burdened down. There appears to be no social life any more, paranoid elders seem to have clamped down on most things, and as a result many youngsters seem to simply drift away.

    Now I know its not just me, as I hear the odd comment now and again, particularly from older ones, such as, I am not so sure that I wont die before this system ends and I used to really love going to the meetings but now I sometimes I feel it so hard to drag myself out. And, these comments are not from the spiritually weak, but from the so-called pillars in the congregation.

    My view is that no single issue, the UN scandal, Paedophilia issues, etc., will drive the masses out of the organization, it is simply dying from within.

  • Pathofthorns

    I think your assessment is really accurate. I think Sept 11 put a little more gas in the car for them but they will not be able to keep up appearances indefinitely. They are going nowhere slowly.


  • MikeMusto


    I dont think the UN (hardly anyone actually knows about this), the sex scandals (lies spread by ahhhhemm apostates),

    has affected the congergations. If anything it is the change of "this generation", we are no longer living with a date

    in it or not we may not have had an actual date...but how many times did we read "think of it..we are living

    in the 80th year of this generation"....after the change things certainly became relaxed.....In my congergation the

    30 and unders are openly celebrating birthdays, going to office holiday parties, etc..etc... They see

    the older members without proper healthcare, retirement etc. They are not going to make the same mistake.

  • Pathofthorns

    That's a great post too Mike. I think your post and the original one on the thread basically sum up the real reasons for the Society's woes.


  • Realist


    your words are spiritual food!!!

    hope you are right about the WT !!!

  • bjc2read

    Hi eyeslice,

    My view is that no single issue, the UN scandal, Paedophilia issues, etc., will drive the masses out of the organization, it is simply dying from within.

    In other words, self-destruction.

    Here is another way to look at it.

    Had you ever thought your viewpoint, and that of many others here, is based solely upon what you can see, smell, hear, feel, and taste. The physical senses of man. Had you ever thought, your perception, and decisions are based solely upon what you can see, and hear, which may not be enough. This is the way the "physical man" thinks. He uses ONLY the physical 5 senses of a human to supply him with the obvious. Obvious information and limits himself to such information to make his decision. Such short-sighted information then is sent to the brain and heart, to form a personal "viewpoint" on the matter. But the decision is always lacking since he does not take into account the spiritual side of the issue. This is a spiritual matter. And the congregation does not belong to man, but God, who is a Spirit. This he does not take into account.

    So as usual, he always arrives at the WRONG decision, an erroneous "viewpoint". And that is because he cannot examine matters from purely a "spiritual" viewpoint, thus always winds up with the wrong answer to things that are spiritual in the first place, Godly things. -- 1 Cor. 2:13-15

    My advice to you to re-think your viewpoint. And this time, bring God into the picture. At present, your viewpoint does not take into account what is imperceptible to physical man, the element of faith in God acting to defend His Name and Word. And that would be the quality of faith. I feel your "viewpoint" lacks the hope, conviction and strong belief that God will act to remove any and all reproach heaped upon His Name and Word, by this rebel JW Nation. -- Ezekiel 20:35-38

    Of course, someone will say: "Why should God act? JWs are no different from any other religion today, that has failed God. They are a poor, pathetic people, misled like all the rest."

    I say, such a question, statement or viewpoint reveals, we do not know what is important TO GOD (& not man).

    Here is what is most important to God:

    (1) His Name, the "glorification" of it.

    (2) The fulfillment of His Word, in a most unique and all encompassing way.

    Psalms 138:2 NIV


    Edited by - bjc2read on 21 December 2002 13:46:53

  • gumby

    My view is that no single issue, the UN scandal, Paedophilia issues, etc., will drive the masses out of the organization, it is simply dying from within.

    All of the issues you mentioned have aided in the lack of growth and the growing lack of zeal.You are correct in the fact about it dying "within." Freddie's dead, the last of the prophets. No one could stir the crowd like him!

    I went to my grandsons first talk just to be there for him and saw the same old faces....only older..and the SAME bored look on the same faces.They are by far more attentive smiling faces in many of christendoms churches, than any Kingdom me.

  • whyhideit

    There was this brother in my Kingdom Hall that I always enjoyed. He was a man of pure kindness and love, and taught me what it meant to be a man who looked for good in people and not bad, by the example he showed to others. My time in congregation positions, were often with him or with his example on my mind. Yet, he never served in any official position and yet unofficially he stood as an example to think about. He was just such a good man and a good example that I wanted to be more like him and not like some of the arrogant ones in the organization I knew as well. I watched this man age, and I always looked forward to one day seeing him grow younger. I felt this was possible, as the end was supposed to happen at any moment. My friend grew older and older, and soon one day I spoke at his memorial and spoke of his accomplishments and years of life. The time that was never supposed to come, came. The time that was supposed to come soon, didn't. Did that take the joy out of my sails, to see my friend and mentor grow old and pass into death? Well it certainly did not make my faith grow stronger.

    I give this example, as I think many of the older ones in the congregations are passing away, when so many thought they wouldn't. The years tell no lies, and with their passing comes the death of faces we thought would make it to the end. These losses revealed the real truth of the organization and darkened the love our hearts once held for the end to come. We no longer believe in the promise of paradise, and start to realize the absolute of what life really brings.

  • hooberus

    "Now I know its not just me, as I hear the odd comment now and again, particularly from older ones, such as, I am not so sure that I wont die before this system ends and I used to really love going to the meetings but now I sometimes I feel it so hard to drag myself out. And, these comments are not from the spiritually weak, but from the so-called pillars in the congregation."

    Do these older ones realize that according to Watchtower doctrine:

    • They are only a body with no immortal soul.
    • If they die their body will not be restored or resurrected but will remain dead forever.
    • Jehovah will create a new body which looks and acts like them but will have never lived before.
    • Therefore they will never see a paradise earth, but they will be out of existence forever.
    • They have no hope in the Watchtower Organization for eternal life.
  • hooberus

    Hope is found in Jesus who will really resurrect the dead!

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