I Passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Windchaser 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM
  • bikerchic

    Awesome Dottie! Way to go girl!

    Katie (who doesn't use my posting for just any one)

  • Robdar

    Hooray for you Windchaser! Congrats on a job well done!



  • Gopher


    You spent time on education meant to further your material well-being, instead of going out in field service on an increased basis???? GOOD FOR YOU!

    CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done. Final tests like these are never a cinch. Go and treat yourself to something real nice with that first bigger paycheck.


  • Windchaser

    Thank you all so much!

    Gopher, nah, I only did one semester at college (got As and Bs though). Being a clerical assistant isn't much, really, when I could have been a Dean, President or Chancellor! hahahaha I was never into making a lot of money, even before I became a jw. I do well poor, but when I bought my condo, I became responsible for repairs, etc. Now, I will be able to bring it up to my standards. Right now I can sell it for twice what I paid for it. (A two-bedroom condo in my building just sold for almost $300,000! I couldn't believe it.) After I do the remodeling, it will be worth even more. It's nice having a tiny piece of California that I can take better care of now.

    I've been working a second job and I actually like it, but Mondays are a killer. I work 16 hours straight. As soon as I get a better day job, I'll either quit the job at the gas station or see if I can work on Friday and Saturday nights only.

    I really didn't think I had passed this test. I'm still soaring (and smiling)!

    Again, thank you all for being happy for me. When I got the letter, I immediately called my best friend, Joyce, to tell her. It's so great to be able to share good news with friends. I feel you are my friends.



  • Xena

    Go Windy Go Windy Go Windy

  • Mac

    Windy, Congratulations.........you go girl!!


  • COMF

    Way to go, girl!

    Okay, so I didn't want you all to think that I'm an ignorant slut
    Never! You've proven once and for all that you're a very intelligent slut!
  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    HOORAY FOR WINDCHASER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • DakotaRed

    Congratualtions, Dottie. Some of us knew you could do it all along, though. Don't sell yourself short. You deserve the promotion.

    Lew W

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