JW's a FRUSTRATED people?

by Smiles 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Smiles


    I know. You were right on about that.

    That "should" thing is so WT.

  • SheilaM

    Very Frustratedpeople I could tell you some stories that would turn your hair greyLOL

  • Smiles


    "Very Frustratedpeople I could tell you some stories that would turn your hair grey LOL"

    Please do. Tell us a few stories...

  • Skeptically Yours
    Skeptically Yours


    I stand by my comment. We're just regular people that have ups & downs just like anyone else.

    So their theory is different that the rest, and a few predictions have failed, so what?!!! We're still just people trying to satisfy a spiritual need, etc. JUST PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

    Go and investigate any other group of people and you'll find the same instances as you do in the witnesses crowd.

    Don't obsess too much with just this one group.

    Take care!

  • Smiles

    Skeptically Yours,

    You stand by your comment...


    Take care.

  • ARoarer

    When we were active JW's all those years, my husband had life threatening high blood pressure, I had anxiety, and panic attacks, sleepless nights, and depression, my youngest chlldren had stomach aches in school, and especially during the holidays, hives, and headaches, and depression from not being allowed to participate in sports, sleep disorders, asthma, etc. Since we left my husbands blood pressure is lower than average, and my children are happy, playing sports, going to college, celebrating holidays, and no longer feeling guilt ridden over wanting to do normal things.

    Skeptic, you may not feel these things because you are making choices for yourself and your happiness at the cost of livng a double life in the WT. So why would you feel frustrated? But the average JW, is frustrated, guilt ridden, fearful of elders "coming after them" and basically living a frustrating lifestyle living their entire lives waiting NOT TO DIE. For me and my family the truth about the "TRUTH" has set us free from WT burdons and lies.

  • Analysis

    Skeptically Yours

    I fully agree with you when you said.

    "Go and investigate any other group of people and you'll find the same instances as you do in the witnesses crowd.

    Don't obsess too much with just this one group."

    I have found some of the most balanced people in the world are JWs. I have also found some miserable individuals who have a college education and nice paying job.

    I think, that Smiles observations about frustrations do appear in the organization. But, not anymore then the general public. Many here on this board have experienced disruptions in family relations as a direct result of the religion. Others have had their belief system taken from them, again because of religion. People feel inadequate about all sorts of reasons it is not isolated to this one group. But, is it really any worse?

  • Smiles


    But does the "general public" claim in print and in doctrine to be the "happiest people"? The WT does.

    Do those with a college education and nice paying job, as a whole, claim in print and doctrine, to be the "happiest people"? The WT does.

    The WT claims that JWs, as a whole, are the "happiest people" on earth.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    One day a man walking down a road took an eagle egg from a nest in a tree, simply because he wanted it at the time and what he wanted for himself was his real desire. So anyway he took it to his farm and put it with the chickens.

    The eagle hatched and grew and scratched about with the chickens all it's days, happy as any chook could ever want.

  • gumby

    But is that "happiness" true, exaggerated or outright false?

    I spent enough time in the library with troubled ones to know they are no different than other people......Same problems. Their hopes are dashed ALL the time with a new discovery in scriptural truth. Their lives are sheltered like the mennonites, and they are instucted how to live and what to believe like a Catholic school.............I feel their happiness is lower on the barometer than the average joe. Most wives of CO's do a good job in painting on the perfect JW look.....you know....smiling, but inside they wish they were home with a tall glass of wine on the couch watching "Everbody Loves Raymond".

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