My little heartbreaker

by Princess 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    She is more that a cutie. She's one of the sweetest brightest kids you'll ever meet. She can really light up a room.

  • Prisca

    Princess, you're right, she will be a heartbreaker, and she will probably start breaking hearts sooner than you think!

    Congrats on having such a beautiful daughter.

  • ozziepost

    How delightful! Daughters always seem to be able to win us over!

    I know!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • scootergirl

    Very beautiful little girl! Love the cheeks!

  • WildHorses

    She is a looker thats for sure. Why do they grow up so fast?

  • Xena

    She has such beautiful coloring..the eyes and hair...lovely

    *sigh* they grow up to fast though don't they?

  • Princess

    Thanks everyone. I don't usually post stuff like this but that picture really caught my attention and I thought I should share it.

    She does have the fiery personality and is the most strong willed child I've known. However, people are drawn to her and her preschool teacher said she will always be popular and she really knows how to work a group of people.

    At four and a half, she has had three serious boyfriends. They all wanted to marry her.

    We are going to keep her single for awhile.

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