Gave blood today for the first time!

by Viviane 21 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Viviane

    Red Cross had a blood drive near me, I decided to go give blood. I hydrated well, ate some red meat for the iron last night and at lunch, we and gave a pint of blood. I felt mildly embarrassed, I had no idea what my blood type was.

    Anyway, still doing some firsts after life as a JW. This one was giving back and felt really good!

  • prologos

    many here hope that wt is wrong in maintaining that organ transplants also transfers personality traits, 

    try to develop some introspective humour, before the next donation. 

    remember you did a cogent self-analysis. 

  • Viviane

    try to develop some introspective humour, before the next donation. 

    remember you did a cogent self-analysis.

    What an ignorant thing to say.

  • Honesty
    prologos13 hours agomany here hope that wt is wrong in maintaining that organ transplants also transfers personality traits, 
    try to develop some introspective humour, before the next donation. 
    remember you did a cogent self-analysis.

    Many of us know from personal experience that not only is the Watchtower wrong, it is guilty of murder.

  • Xanthippe

    Viviane what A Positive thing to do.

  • Phizzy

    I have given blood, and voted in every Election since I left the JW Mental Prison.

    I have often thought what fun it would be for them to try to DF me for either activity.

    The Press/Media coverage of the J.C that I would make sure happened would be a huge embarrassment to them.

    Well done Viv !

  • Viviane
    Thanks! I also vote in every election, every primary, etc. Interestingly, being a JW and getting out has made me extremely civic minded.
  • zeb

    This is a ponder.

    Where do the "fractions" seemingly approved 

    (until the next flip-flop, such as "over-lapping fractions")

    come from if it is not approved to donate ones blood?

  • cappytan

    Whether I believe the blood doctrine or not, I'm never donating blood. 

    I have a severe phobia of needles. Like really bad. I passed out the last time I had a test.

  • Miles
    Even though I hated this religion from a small child, and could never bring myself to get baptized because I felt it was bullshit, but I don't think I could ever give blood; not because I believe the doctrine but just its a touchy subject inside my core. The subject creeps me out.

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