Evil CO's wives

by PopeOfEruke 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • PopeOfEruke

    Does anyone remember particularly evil wives of Circuit Overseers?

    I remember one, a little Chinese "lady" known as Norma. Absolutely hated kids. Arrogant and superior as all hell, always decked out in heaps of jewellery and posh clothes. One got the feeling when talking to her that she thought she was superior and that you were just a s**t-kicker, and that she though she was the CO, and the husband a mere lacky. Which was probably true thinking back on it....blood-chilling stuff!

    Anyone know of any others??

    Pope (of the Minimus-Wanna-be class)

  • Mulan

    We had one that I doubt was evil, but she was sure anal! Rosemary Kraushaar. They had a daughter, Janette, that travelled with them too. She was in our area from age 16 - 20. Nice girl, and pretty balanced for having such an anal mother.

    Rosemary didn't take coffee breaks, so they were with us one particularly frigid winter, when we had snow for a week, and 20 degrees. Janette was in our car group and Rosemary was in another in the same territory. Their style was to get out of the car and walk for two hours, no matter how far, and if you aren't dressed appropriately, "that's too bad, because we are, and we aren't stopping." Well Janette had a surprise for her Mom one morning, when the other 3 in our car, including myself, had had enough foot freeze, and said we were taking a coffee break. We drove to the other group, who all wanted to join us, except Rosemary who said to Janette to stay with her and they would keep working (good example for the weak ones, I guess). Janette said "No, I'm taking a coffee break too. Do you want to come, or should we meet you here in 30 minutes?" She got in the car.

    Two weeks later, they were back with the District Overseer and his wife, who were at our congregation because we were the host for the Circuit Assembly. Guess what? The DO said the first morning: "I hope this group won't be offended at coffee breaks, because I take them, and recommend it." We all about died. Later we ran into the two couples (DO and CO and wives) at a local coffee shop, enjoying a break, and they were acting like they did it everyday. Maybe they learned something.

    When her parents moved to the next circuit, Janette stayed in ours, and pioneered with a large group of young people she had gotten to know. The last I heard she ended up marrying a Bethelite and going in to the commune.

    Edited by - mulan on 16 December 2002 20:37:36

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I never knew any evil or anal CO's wives...all the ones I met were quiet women who reminded me of puppies who had been beaten into submission.

    I did know plenty of elder's wives who were touched with a bit of arrogance...they fancied themselves as a few steps up the ladder closer to Jehovah then the rest of the congregation.


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom


    Rosemary Kraushaar!

    I remember her. She and her husband was assigned to our Circuit about 5 years ago (when I was living in the USA in Southern California). I didn't have the "privilege" to know her that well though. Fortunately for me! However, I heard about her antics from the pioneers from my former congregation.

    As always, I enjoy reading your posts!

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

  • Soledad

    I remember one in particular that just rubbed me the wrong way---I guess she was some sort of singer/songwriter prior to coming into the borg. During the singing you could only hear her voice reverberating throughout the entire hall, upstairs and downstairs. Everyone would constatntly compliment her "oh what a beautiful voice" Please!! And the way everyone would kiss up to the COs and Bethelites was unreal!! No wonder they were all stuck up.

  • Mulan

    Alligator..............Larry Kraushaar was a sweetie, and we really liked him a lot. So did the elders, and they usually detested the Circuit Overseers. The Kraushaar's must be pretty old by now. We had them 20 years ago, and they must have been in their 50's.

  • TresHappy

    I never really experienced evil co's wives. They were all very sweet to me. The only evil women I ever ran into was Evil Sister Pioneer Woman. She came in many forms, but mostly the same haughty, snobby and I am better than you attitude. I remember being reduced to tears on several occasions after going out in service. And I thought this was Jehovah's happy organization!!!

  • Mulan

    TresHappy, I pioneered with one of those. She made all of us miserable, and often ended up going by herself because she knew no one liked her. They still don't. I hear the same stories going around the same congregation. She is still pioneering and I truly think she would be happiest if she were the only pioneer. Funny, for all the hours and hours she puts in, I think she has had one person baptized in about 25 years of pioneering. She always had a Bible study or two, but they look afraid of her when they came to the hall with her.

    One time we were with the Circuit Overseer, and the 3 of us pioneer sisters. The CO said something about my being a really good pioneer. (he was responding to a joke, and she just went off the wall on that, like there couldn't be a good pioneer, better than she was) He told me the next day that he felt for us, having to put up with her, and that we exhibited great love and patience for her. I laughed and told him she was just an awful person. He didn't deny it. I told him some of the things she had said and done to the other pioneers, and he made her apologize or go off the pioneer list. She apologized............half heartedly.

  • TR
    but she was sure anal! Rosemary Kraushaar.

    Ha! We had her, too. I worked with the CO, but not her. She looked and acted like a stuck-up hay bag. LOL! Methinks hubby was pussy-whipped. LOL, again!


  • nelly1

    ohh man dont start me off, we had one ohh man she was a nutter, we were on service once and her and i were sitting in the car and she said ohh i bought a CD the other day classical music but i had to smash it because it had an organ on the first track and i dont want a demon attack..

    I remember thinking ohh gimme a break just cuz its an organ and they use organs in churches ohh PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEE

    I remember the gossip going around from whomever had that co and his wife to stay during visits, that the wife was weird because she was compulsive about things and would clean out peoples cuboards till they were her standard and shed hide her suitcase under the bed clothes and she was so fanatical about food one day she sat at someones house for lunch and picked all her vegetables out of her soup and piled them onto a plate, and apparently the nose gets out of joint if you dont have chocolate biscuits( cookies) in the house, I tell u this couple were so unbalanced that they kept thinking everything was a demon attack, this co's wife had a serious speech impediment and when she spoke she sprayed so much that drought use to break in ethiopia im not kidding, people use to make jokes and say her name and eccentualte the last part of her name by making a hissing snake sound...

    and her husband was the one who yelled at me right in the hall in front of everyone, i cant stand them, but what goes around cuz not long after he had 2 heart attacks and had to come off the circuit and now needs a bypass.....what a shaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeee

    he was going through the circuit removing elders like they were warts off of someones hands... caused a terrible stir and gave him the nik name " mac the knife" i bet a few of u maybe from here would know who i mean......ugh i cant stand him....

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