Filing a Lawsuit to see my granddaughter

by Nancy K 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy K
    Nancy K

    Hi Everyone, Hoping you're having a good day...I am a "newbie", posted before (re: missing my granddaughter)..Well, I have been thinking long and hard, and then long and harder still and I've decided to start a suit to see if I can get grandparent visitation to see my dearly-loved "Chloe" who is 6 years old. My husband is an attorney(not Chloe's grandfather) and he wants to take them on, after seeing what 2 years of being cut-off from her, has put me through. I have an illness, and the stress of missing Chloe of course makes me feel worse. I've read alot, things here on this website and I came to the conclusion that as much as I love my daughter(the mother), I could accept, hurtfully, not seeing her, if that is what she wants, but not little Chloe. We were soulmates. I'm nervous, I don't want to cause stress for little Chloe, but one person wrote to me and said "do it for her"...And that's what I'm going to do. Any words of wisdom, advice, etc.? YOU KNOW I'LL NEED IT!!! Because their always "right"...We'll just have to see about that! Thanks folks! NK

  • Mulan

    It sounds like you have a reliable attorney. We live in Washington State and grandparents have no rights here. It's been tried.

  • LB

    Best wishes Nancy. I hope this works for you. Only thing I will say to you is the same I say to any seperated parent. I think it applies. Just never say anything negative to Chloe about her parents. Never. It will drive her away from you in the long run. But I think you know that.

  • Nancy K
    Nancy K

    Thanks LB! You got that right! Through everything, I NEVER say anything about the ORG, or Mommy, Daddy, etc. I just want to see her, read her a few stories, go outside and play or go out to eat, watch a Disney flick! If we can accomplish this? I'll post a great big pic of our reunion right here!! Thanx again! NK

  • JT

    Any words of wisdom, advice, etc.?

    I don't know how much you can do legally, but you may want to consider this. While your hubby works the legal end you may want to work the PR end

    Make a list of all the churches, TV stations/ newspaper esp the religious EDITORS in your town or the congo territory where your grandbaby live

    Send a letter to all the pastors asking for help (NO MONEY)especailly spiritual and moral support, explain to them DFing and the impact it has had on you seeing your grandbaby--ask them to INCLUDE YOU IN THIER PRAYER CIRCLE-

    send a letter to the religious editor of the paper, they need good stories all the time and they get tired of the old reg stories they print each week-

    contact TV stations and any religious radio stations in the area where the grandbaby lives

    send all of them a PICTURE OF YOUR LITTLE SUGAR PLUM

    that you can't see due to wt rules-

    now we all know that jw hate bad press- you will then have covered their entiree territory with JEHOVAH'S FORBIDE GRANDMA FROM HOLD GRAND BABY

    they are going to hate you anyway when they get that court order so you might as well GO FULL STEAM ON THIS ONE

    While you may not be able to get to see your grandbaby, i don't know i wish you well, but you will do something that has no price on it

    your story will perhaps keep some other family from ever joining the jw- and that will mean one grandma and grandbaby will not have to go thru what you are

    be sure to make sure that you ARE NOT BLAMING YOUR SON AND DAUGHTER, THAT you love them ,but you realize they are under the control of the dogmas of wt that they will lose god's favor if they stop by to visit grandma- you want the public to see just how GOOFY wt teachings are

    well THAT IS JUST MY 2

  • Simon

    Good luck Nancy - I hope you have success.

    Even if you don't and you grand-daughter may not appreciate it now, you can be sure that she'll remember your efforts and understand when she's older.

  • expatbrit


    I wish you the best of luck! I hope your husband kicks WT ass, and we get to see that reunion photo!

    I would second JT's thoughts on the PR angle. If you can get some preliminary media coverage going, the WT may well force some kind of compromise with the child's parents just to avoid bad publicity. They have settled out of court in a number of cases (with gag orders) that they probably could have won legally, but didn't want to take the PR hits.


  • freedom96

    I agree with JT. He has many great points, and really, that may be indeed what it takes. But this is your grandaughter, and you should fight for her.

    Other posts are correct, in that some states, the grandparents have no rights. But what JT talks about could put intense pressure on them, the local elders, the WTS itself, and they don't want that negative publicity.

    Go for it!! I have had problems with visitation with my own son, and I feel for you. Please win this one for you, your grandaughter, and all of us.

  • Iwasyoungonce


    I am sorry for your situation. I don't know which end you are on as the WT subject or their prey. But either way people have the right to associate. On the other side there is the ideal of freedom from association. That seems to be ignored when sometimes when Grandparents are involved. I think that is criminal in the United States. Parents make decisions period I.M.O.

    If the Jehovah Witnesses have the right to screw with people hurt and humilate them at weddings, funerals, in public and religous funtions, even have ex members arrested for showing up but then cry fowl when real people say no more I get real mad. Mulan is right in Washington Grandparents have zero rights to visitation. Thank God! The best thing that I can do is keep my children away from these psychos.

    If you are the good guy here (We all think we are) and you loose your fight for visitation then might I recomend that you write letters to your grandchild. If you celibrate holidays and birthdays buy her a gift every year with a card and say what you are feeling. Someday when she grows up she might choose to read them. (Don't send them if your daughter will burn them, keep them with you) I don't think that the war with relgious zelots is worth fighting. If the Witnesses in my life would have stayed in it there is no doubt in my mind that verbal abuse would have become much more physical. They were already hitting my oldest child but I did not know about it until they were out of my families lives. Because of the lies, intimidation, and abuse (mental and physical) that these people inflicted on my family I will Never, Never, never let them in my life willingly. They are dead. period. If I ever even suspect that they are lurking I will take them to court for a restraining order and they know it.

    I know that this whole thing is wrong. But I am not in contol of what they think they must do. And they thing that they MUST HURT in the name of their god. Sometimes people that are abusive are just plain evil. I have experienced the heartache that the Jehovah Witnesses gleefully inflict. They will rip your heart right out and not care about it one bit. 20 years of living within the comfort blanket of the inner circle is irrelevant. They will turn on you like a pack of wolves turning on one of their own with a single order from one of their leaders; It is only then that a Jehovah Witness will even begin to understand what I am saying (writing)

    The reason that they don't mind being so abusive and heartless is that they don't believe that it will ever happen to them. But to ten's or hundreds of thousands of people it happens every year. The general public is unaware of this sinister abuse because most people find it so hard to explain; Even to themselves. It is so sad.

    Again I am sorry that you are hurting. I hope you can find a middle ground. I have friends who have a granddaughter that they have never seen. (Nothing to do with the JW's) I can't understand how someone can love a religion more than their family. (BTW A religion is not Christ) We have adopted them and they will be spending Christmas with us.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    I know I'm going to be blasted for this but I don't think what you're doing is right if for nothing else than what it could mean for others. Like it or not parents have a right to say who can be around their children and who can't. I know many people here wouldn't want their parents to take them to JW events or even be exposed to that stuff. I do agree with you that you should be able to see your grand daughter, especialy since you are the better enviroment here, but the fact of the matter is that Chloe's parents are the ones that should say who their daughter can be around. If you win other people could be sued to make their children be available to their grandparents who are JW's or in even more dangerous cults.

    Chloe's parents don't want you around. True, you are her GRANDmother but you are not her mother and the mother's wish is what should be honored. Parents have their rights, even when they're the wrong ones.

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