Subtle Control Methods

by James2300 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James2300


    Hey, thanks for the compliment. I think in many ways we have barely scratched the surface.


    Hey thanks for the compliments. My story is similar to many people. I was extremely zealous and one day opened my eyes and began to think for myself. I started pioneering at 16, a ministerial servant at 17, big service meeting parts, pioneer seminar interviews, circuit assembly parts at 18, first public talk at 19, bethel at 19, switched to spanish at 20. I was super zealous at service--one August I got 128 hours to meet my yearly quota pioneering. At bethel I auxiliary pioneered twice. Although I worked in a servile department (the Laundry) I got a lot of responsibility fast. I spent so much time trying to discern the "hidden order" behind the way Bethel was run, I finally realized it wasn't inconsistent with the way a worldly corporation was run.

    I spent my last year researching everything about the jw's and especially bethel. I read memos and looked for patterns, I listened to people talk at the tables, I asked overseers why things were done this way or that and I asked older ones about historical stuff. Although I knew the publications pretty well, I delved into the older publications for the first time, and looked at current publications more closely. I even got a book on logical fallacies and looked for errors during the wt study. I moved to a room a floor from the main library so that I could spend all my free time there. I used vacation days, overtime comp time, and even ditched work (cheating on paperwork) to study. I went to the main branch of the New York public library and read every book they had on JW's.

    I was very careful not to tell anyone what I was thinking. Although I read info from a lot of "apostate" site, I never posted anything. I left Bethel a year ago and slowly, carefully faded away. I'm settled and don't care anymore whether I get "caught" or not. So, that is why I only started visiting this site and posting here recently.

    I really appreciate the kindness and friendship that exists on this board. It is very different than what I expected ex-jw's to be like.



  • avishai

    Oh, C'mon!!!! What about the Theocratic ministry school, & it's evil "guidebook? They teach you point by point how to sound very reasonable, how to modulate your voice, use gestures, etc. It might as well be a hypnosis guidebook or a half-assed Tony Robbins seminar!

  • Pathofthorns

    Thanks for that bit on your background James. I think the way you made your exit is the best way to leave.

    Here are some things I came up with...

    I was thinking when they had the NW translation made with those green covers that could be another subtle control method.

    Setting themselves apart from the crowd in minor yet somehow significant ways like saying Jesus died on a stake instead of a cross, or that he had no beard... These things are really nonsense and unimportant to the over-all doctrine and yet they give the impression of exclusive insight and knowledge and make them appear somehow more wise than mainstream christianity.

    Forbidding the celebrating of birthdays so as not to draw too much attention to oneself.

    Stating they are imperfect yet never apologizing for anything wrong specifically or mentioning any instance of recent error to give the impression they really are perfect and to prevent questioning of present teachings.

    The Proclaimers book is an obvious example of whitewashing their history to present a misleading picture .

    Their personal study program where an individual is expected to read the WT when it arrives in the mail, study the article prior to the meeting and then be present at the meeting and have prepared comments based on the information. All personal study uses the Society's publications which keeps the publisher in a closed information box preventing him/her from any outside thoughts and opinions.

    The several reasons why individuals are expected to wear identification badges at conventions.

    Stressing the words "obedience" and "loyalty" in a context where an individual makes the connection that obedience/loyalty to the organization and the men that comprise it is equal to loyalty/obedience to god. This creates a "following orders" mentality where no one questions what they are told and assumes that someone else is taking responsibility for the actions they are carrying out.

    Conventions/assemblies leave the JW's with certain strong impressions and give a sneak preview of what life might be like in the new world. The squeeky clean image of Bethel also tries to mimick the paradise.

    The circuit overseer arrangement.

    Pioneer school

    Anyway, these are a few areas that I suspect would fall into the "subtle control" category. I think this thread is one of the most interesting/facinating I've seen in a while. Love your analysis of the everyday things we just overlooked while being a JW.



    Even though I was just an unbatized publisher, I find it interesting how KH are different from each other in practice.

    For example, in my area it wasen't frowned upon or looked down for speaking or hanging out with non JW members of your family. Your family is your Family which most JW around here think.

    Also you can be a stranger who attends a public talk and you can answer or ask a question. I've never seen that discouraged. Although the strangers in my experience has some idea or some previous contact in some manner with a JW that probably made them attend a meeting.

    But......A Stranger can participate.

    As far as subtle Control Methods, I find that persons on the edge, or zealots who were that way before they became a JW . Except they transfered that behaviour into the "work"

    Ignorant, people who don't question, accept everything thats told to them, followers, weak minded Before they were JW's will continue to be so when they are. If they were in another religion before finding the "light" there were probably like that there.

    Those who were always 50 questions <like myself> will continue to be fifty questions even as they dip into the JW life.

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