Subtle Control Methods

by James2300 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James2300

    Hello waiting,

    Yes, excellent point. That is a very intimidating situation especially for a woman. Really, there is no reason for 3 elders--they seek strength in numbers.


  • rebel

    I used to think it was great that every JW throughout the world studied exactly the same material every week - the Watchtower article, the Ministry School, the Book Study etc. Now I realise it was just another means of absolute control.

  • James2300

    No Sunday school

    Why do Witnesses avoid any kind of sunday school program? Well, several reasons. First, the witness arrangement emphasizes the family power structure. Sitting as a family enables the parents to control the children. (In fact, they are encouraged to do so.) Children are not able to have a direct relationship with the congregation. Rather that relationship proceeds through the parents. Second, it prevents the kind of spontaneous responses children have. They are not free to ask questions to a Sunday school teacher. Third, it allows for the dumbing down of the meetings. Since the meetings must be simple enough for even children to comprehend, difficult concepts can be glossed over in the meetings. Fourth, the limited role children can have in a meeting is actually a great way to indoctrinate them. Since they often can't answer the questions is their own words, they are told to read an answer from the paragraph. If they are even younger, they may simply read a subheading or a few words. This is great preparation for the parroting of information from the literature they will do as adults.

  • rebel

    Sorry - me again! This one struck a chord.

    I hate the way they discourage you from having association with family members or friends who aren't JWs - not ex-JWs - just those that weren't in 'The Truth' (yuk - I hate that expression). When I think of how I distanced myself from some of my family and old friends - not completely - but I used to avoid meeting them and would keep my association to a minimum. When I did visit them, I used to feel so guilty and make up excuses to leave early as I felt I was being disloyal to Jehovah. What a mug I was.

  • James2300

    Dress code

    Hey, Rebel, thanks for your posts. This one is not so subtle. You mentioned the wearing of jackets to go on stage, handle a microphone, etc. despite the temperature. The whole point of that is conformity. By wearing "uniforms" you decrease individuality and identify with the group. This one, of course, is used by the military (uniforms and short hair), the Nazis (brown shirts and armbands), and Foot Locker (pin striped shirts and athletic shoes). Interestingly, the witnesses don't use this as a marketing ploy--that is, it doesn't help "sell" the religion or give the public an image the way uniforms at Foot Locker do. It is primarily an internal form of control.

  • PleasureFix


    we should be free just to take the Bible with us and leave all the literature behind.

    i couldn't agree more....imagine how lost JWs would be without there WTS literature!

    pleasurefix (of the pleasure place of the gods class)

    Edited by - pleasurefix on 16 December 2002 18:41:14

    Edited by - pleasurefix on 16 December 2002 18:42:38

    Edited by - pleasurefix on 16 December 2002 18:44:3

  • James2300

    Predicting to Bible Studies that they will hear criticism of the Witnesses

    This "prediction" is made early on in most study publications. In the Knowledge book it is mentioned at the end of the first chapter (I believe), at the end of the of the first "chapter" of the Require brochure, and in chapter two of the Live Forever book. Also, pioneers are trained to orally communicate this to Bible studies. Generally, the student tells someone of their newfound interest in JW's and then they hear criticism. This gives credibilty to the teacher because they made a true prediction. It also sets the stage for an "us vs. them" mentality that will be critical in the future.

  • SPAZnik

    Sleep deprivation.

    Ain't enuf hours in a week to fill the average "joe publisher" quotas.

    SPAZ (of the "i'm still catching up on my sleep" klass)

  • rebel

    Hey Pleasurefix - how true - I wanted to go off the point so many times when studying with someone new, but the good old literature always kept me on track.

    James 2300 - what an interesting sunject - thanks for bringing it up.

    Also, I hated the fact that you always have to work in pairs - it's as if each of you acts as a policeman to the other. You wouldn't dare say anything out of line because your partner could shop you! I often wanted to work alone but was never allowed.

  • detective

    loaded language. loaded language. loaded language.

    Um, did I mention loaded language?

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