Princess' Christmas Party

by Mulan 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Princess wrote this on another thread.

    Steve and I are recovering from our annual family Christmas party we had last night. It's fun to have Christmas celebrations with the family after all these years. This was the first year the ENTIRE family made it. My three former dub brothers, their wives and children and my parents as well as my grandpa. We had former dub cousins, a former dub uncle as well as former dub friends. We were thrilled that Dim and his wife were able to come as well. About 30 some people in all. It was fun, but the headaches are horrible.

    It was a GREAT party. Really good food, champagne, fine wines, and rum nog! I was talking to everyone so much, I didn't eat very much, but I had several glasses of champagne. Very fun.

    We had a Christmas ornament exchange and it was great. I had mine taken TWICE, by my daughter in law, so I chose another one, then my son took that one. I ended up with several our youngest son had made.............bright colored stars. It got wild, with people taking ornaments others had already opened, but that is what makes it fun!!

    It is a lot of work, and I am so proud of our daughter, for the way she pulls off these parties. Her house is perfect for them, so she is usually the one who throws the parties.

    The weather was horrible here yesterday, because the "Pineapple Express" (rainstorm up from Hawaii) came through and really DUMPED the rain on us all day, and high winds too. It was only 50 degrees, but you couldn't NOT get wet.

  • moreisbetter

    this sounds like so much fun! and so many people who are happy! thank you for sharing this. my family will have this kind of christmas one day.

    would you please explain to this Xmas clueless person how the ornament exhchange works?

    thank you, more

    And Merry Christmas!!!!

  • ugg

    oh my how wonderful for you all....sounds heart warming!!!! thank you for sharing..

  • Mulan

    Everyone brings an ornament, gift wrapped.

    Everyone who brought an ornament gets a number, from a basket

    You take an ornament when your number is called.

    When your number is called, if you like an ornament already opened, you can take it.

    We keep going until all ornaments are opened, and all numbers called.

  • Joyzabel

    That sounds like you guys had a wonderful family celebration!

    I'm so jealous!



    but where are the pics????

  • Princess

    Steve took lots of pics, so stay tuned. Probably won't have a chance to get them developed until after we get home from Hawaii. I'll work on it though.

    Rachel...still very tired and need to vacuum party mess

  • ozziepost

    The WHOLE family! Who'd have thought it! Seems there's hope for Mrs Ozzie and I yet, eh?

    Great to hear of these family occasions. Real nice.

    Well done and thanks for posting, Mulan and Rachel.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Mulan

    The only family that are still JW's are my mother, my elderly aunt and one cousin, and one of my husband's brothers and his family. All others, including our kids, their in laws (numerous), our brothers (no sisters) and their families all out, except those mentioned.

  • ozziepost

    Greatly blessed.

    One day maybe for Mrs Ozzie and I.......

  • happyout

    I am so excited for you!! I dream of the day I can have a party like that. I used to think it would happen after the year 2000, 'cause it's obvious that the "generation that was here" in 1914 would all pretty much be gone by now. Darn that old WTS for changing the teaching!! Although, if I remember correctly, Ray Franz said way back in '85 that they were going to change the teaching.

    Anyway, good for you all, and here's wishing everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

    ps When my dub family found out I celebrated Christmas, they were appalled. Now they just shrug it off. Last year I told my mom I love getting presents so much, I was going to start celebrating Chanukah just to get more!

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