Can You Really Have The "Christmas Spirit&...

by minimus 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    If you've ever been a Witness, is it possible to experience the true "Christmas spirit"?

    Edited by - minimus on 15 December 2002 8:29:2

  • rebel

    Mine was vodka and tonic


  • ozziepost

    It's a moot point, Minni, old son. One that I've remarked on to fellow exDubs who've had many years out.

    But what do YOU think? I'm starting to repeat myself, aren't I ?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Matty

    I have a hurdle to get over with Christmas because I have ingrained into me that there always has to be valid reasons for everything I do. If I celebrate something, I have to embrace everything that is a part of that celebration, or not observe it at all. If you have severe doubts not only about the Jehovah's Witness religion, but in Christianity as a whole, you might think that you may have less of a reason to celebrate Christmas than you even did before.

    To be able to celebrate Christmas properly I need to chill out a bit more I'm sure a lot of people here are likely to feel the same.

  • Nordic

    Yes i can, but only when i am eating, m&m.

    So take care.

  • blondie

    Actually, that is a very subjective term, "Christmas spirit." For some it means gathering at their family homes decorated with trees and wreaths with packages under the tree from Santa Claus and not a religious aspect to be found. Then there are the ones that go to church the night of Christmas eve, where there is singing and a reciting of the account in Luke of Jesus' birth and then back again Christmas day and the above.

    I put up snowflakes on the window and a snowman welcoming people to the front door. We have white lights all year round on our deck. I enjoy eggnog (only available during the season) and certain pastries/baked goods from my cultural background also only available during the season. I like to play Jingle Bells, Winter Wonderland, Let it Snow. Winter can be so dreary. But then winter doesn't stop on December 25. In my area it can last until June. Is the Christmas spirit, sitting by the fireplace with your sweetie sipping hot cocoa or something with a little more zip? Is the Christmas spirit taking out your sleds/toboggans and sliding down a hill with new snow or putting on your skates to go down to the pond?


  • minimus

    Oz, how are ya? I tend to agree with Matty. But I do like presents......In case you might question why I don't always immediately voice my opinion, it's because sometimes I'm not 100% sure of my answer. I like to get input from others at times. I also like to get others viewpoints because my idea could stifle another's comments......It's kinda like those polls. You don't usually tell others what the pollsters thoughts are so that you can avoid coloring the person's view. And it's more fun doing it this way!

  • Blueblades

    Seriously,the answer is Yes.The Spirit of Christmas is all about "GIVING."All of us here have Giving many years of our lives to serve others.We have all always reflected the Spirit of Giving.For me leaving the Society will not change that Spirit of Giving of myself to others.Blueblades

  • Blueblades

    Minimus,The contributions that you and others have put into this forum shows that Spirit of Giving.The many thought provoking questions and answers supplied have giving us pause .Blueblades,Thanks Again!

  • RubyTuesday

    What Matty exactly where i'm at.

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