Does Religion drive you nuts?

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    I hate religion, for religion's sake.
    I detest claims of having "the true religion", and that includes the extreme "anti-deism" that I see amongst some atheists.

    That having been said, I love God and am religious.
    I don't believe I have any excuse not to be tolerant of others beliefs. Been there, done that, as a JW.
    So my tolerance extends to "pagans" through to those who worship Science, although I have to confess I have little time for those that worship Themselves (but I guess that T comes after S ).

    What really drives me nuts is seeing the lack of tolerance on this board.
    We've been there as JW's - when do we start learning from the experience?!!

  • Nikita

    Little Toe, that is exactly how I feel but sometimes an unable to express.


  • rebel

    I was just thinking about the whole subject of religion. It's funny, but I thought the JW who knocked on my door originally was some sort of saviour. She told me the 'Truth' and I came to realise that I had at last found all the answers. I wasn't going to burn in hell after all. The Catholic church had been lying to me all these years. Then, when I became a JW, I came to realise that if I didn't toe the line, I would become an outcast, cut off from friends and family - what I call hell on earth. I am told I speak when I should listen, I am not submissive enough and I am too free and easy with my own opinions. I don't like that sort of religion. I want to be able to express myself without fear of reprisal.

    I am beginning to look at things for the first time and I have to agree with the previous comments. Religion ruins things. Why can't people just believe in a God of their choice and stop trying to get everyone else to agree with their views. It gets even wore when you are shunned for your beliefs or because you no longer want to go along with a particular set of beliefs. What is it about some people that makes them want to convert everybody to their brand of religion? Live and let live.


  • Nickey

    My aunt said something to me oneday that really made me think because I never looked at it that way before.

    "Religion isn't a group or organization of men dictating over people. Religion is a practice of what a person does. It's a concept. To apply the basic message of the bible. The 9 fruitages of the spirit. Love, Joy, peace, longer-suffering...etc."

    Somehow they've made a money-making business out of it when it's all about the religion "within" the person.

    I've had my times when I wondered if there even was a God. But things around me always remind me. How the planets are lined just right and surrounding the brightest star. "The 3rd rock from the sun." Not too hot and not too cold. The sun and how it reflects off the moon just right and night. How the moon stays in rotation around the earth with the perfect pull of gravity. Just so us humans won't be in complete darkness at night all the time. Fire to keep us warm. The ozone layer to protect us from the harmful effects of the sun and the atmosphere doing it's best to burn any solid objects coming through it. It's a shield that serves as protection. Plants absorbing carbon dioxide that just so happens to be harmful for humans and then giving off oxygen that humans just so happen to need to breath and stay alive.

    I mean, there's so many things that remind me...

    Well, that's just my view on things. It's different from person to person. But I just look at the smaller things in life instead of trying to see a big huge miracle of proof. If he's out there watching, he did a good job on making everything for us and the food is sooooooo good. I don't know what I'd do without taste-buds!

    Just my opinion though. *shrugs*

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