XMas illuminations on your house

by Simon 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • animal

    This is our first xmas in Arizona.... as a family. My wife loves to light up the house, to me it is extra labor. Since I am working out of state, I got out of the labor again this year. My son did it for her, and when I got home from the airport last week, I was shocked.

    We have those little icicle lights across the front, which is nice.... but what they did to the entrance gate door was wild. 4 strings of the big bulbs were attached to the door... bright as hell... and when you walk up to it, it throws off a load of heat!

    I said "Nice job" and left it at that. I will have to add a few more hours of overtime to pay the electric bill this month....


  • Valis
    We have one light-up train in the Kitchen window that puff's smoke.

    Simon...in the US we call that a bong..


    District Overbeer

  • GentlyFeral

    BC Hydro has a number of experimental displays of Christmas lights called SLED, that is Seasonal Light Emission Diode . They have shown them on TV and the public has rushed in to enquire about them, but they will not be available to the public until next year.

    http://www.foreverbright.com -- I used "LED Christmas lights" as a search term at Google.


  • SheilaM

    You should love this story!

    First I decorate each year ( for the past 7) in icicle lights but the first year I was just putting icicle lights on because we have a koi pond in front and I didn't want someone wandering onto the ice and falling in. We were not celebrating Christmas, I had them up from October until Spring. You know kinda of a winter theme. Well we hadn't seen the elders since they threatened to disfellowship my husband for having questions about the "TRUTH" LOL Then lo and behold we get a knock on the door midwinter, YES it was the elders now they hadn't been concerend when we were almost bankrupt after my husbands wreck (recovered thank whoever) they hadn't been concerend when we needed some kind of spiritual support and they hadn't cared when they hadn't been seen for over two years but HEY! they were concerend about those damn icicle lights. They were talking to my husband real quite like on the front porch, I asked him what the hell they wanted after they were driving off. They had again threatened him with disfellowshipping over the lights!!! I grabbed my robe and opened the door, glaring at the van they were in they BACKED up and the elder ran to the step I asked him what the hell he thought he was doing. He said that we were celebrating Christmas I called him a fanatical LIAR and told him that if he DARED to threaten us I would take this little story of fellowship alot further than the witnesses. I asked him how they could never do one friggin thing to help and he had the audacity TO SAY: We arent responsible for helping you monetarily. MY JAW dropped I said you friggin ass I was Taking about SPIRITUAL SUPPORT Sheparding call you know. He kept acting like we wanted MONEY OH MY GOD!!!!! We had never taken anything from them NEVER. Now they had used my husband every time any little thing needed fixing but we NEVER. I explained with my teeth gritted that they needed to pretend we were on a desert island they couldn't get to, they were NEVER to come to my home again, I told them we were more morally clean than any of them and how dare they threaten us, I indicated I would spill some very dirty laundry about some elders if they dared mention us in the hall again. Well, six years later we have seen hide nor hair of them, we have not been disfellowshipped (darn it) and I have a Christmas tree in the window and my house decorated with icicle lights everywhere. They made me realize just how stupid I was to fall for there bull*** for that I thank them.

  • Solace

    OMG Simon,

    That is too funny. If it was, youde have quite an electric bill this December. It would definatly get the members of the local congregation buzzing though.

  • jgnat

    Here in Edmonton, Canada, we have an annual event called Candy Cane Lane. From the above posts, it looks like we are not the only city that does it.

  • JH

    I don't want to pay their hydro bill.

  • Sentinel

    Whoa, I was really beginning to wonder....till I got to the bottom.

    We have neighbors on each side of us that have really taken christmas decorating to the max. We don't even have to put a thing up ourselves. Nor do we need any outside lighting for the porch or driveway.

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