Boosting Attendance or Hunting Apostates?

by Elsewhere 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."I went and donated blood... No problem. I actually enjoyed donating the blood... felt good about it"....

    So You enjoyed deliberately opposing jehovahs law did you Elsewhere? Standing in opposition to Jehovah like Nimrod, that "mighty hunter"?

    ..."A JW happened to see me do this and reported me to the elders".....

    How come a jw SAW you giving Blood??? What the hell was HE doing there? Very curious about this one. Or was he "passing by" the front door of the blood bank as you exited? Certainly, a spirit directed coincidence THAT one.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    wonder if they will spray paint/mark the front of my house as a warning to anyone who might listen to the REAL truth?

    I faintly recall many years ago a suggestion that the JWs put some kind of mark on a person's doorpost to let others know they had been there

  • Elsewhere

    It was a blood drive at work.

    There were only two JWs there... My (Biological) Sister and a JW Sister from another congregation who had it in for my family.

    Which of the two told, I don't know... but I do know that both had reason to suspect...

    While I was donating, my sister came by my desk to visit and asked where I was... my co-workers told her I was donating blood.

    When I was leaving work at the end of the day, the JW sister saw me with one of the bright arm-bands that everyone recieved after donating (I saw her looking at me).

    Edited by - Elsewhere on 13 December 2002 17:15:55

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    hmmm. So lets see,

    Option 1) it coulda been your own dear, sweet, fleshly sister who loves you like....well, like a SISTER , who ratted you out to the elders.

    The other option (option 2) is that it was the evil clan enemy who just HATES your entire family because theres a clan war going back 5 generations, plus she saw you wearing the brightly coloured armband identifying you as a blood donor.

    Hmmmm. Ive got a real problem here deciding which one RATTED YOU OUT.

  • Elsewhere

    You don' tknow my sister... she is very legalistic, has been devorced, was shunned/Marked (but not DFed or DAed) and went through the Elder Mill herself.

    I honestly would not put it past her.

    All of my family at one time or another was passed throught the elder mill. The result is that they were all "broken". Trust me... they will follow the party line... after all, the elders have shown them so much "mercy".

    Edited by - Elsewhere on 13 December 2002 17:40:36

  • JH

    Talking about giving blood. For the first time at 40 years of age, I went to see a Doctor for a general check up. I passed urine test and blood test. The doctor wanted to see me and said that all was ok, but I had a too high level of red blood cells. He suggested that I give blood once every 3 months. He said it would do me good. Not being DF'd, and just wanting to avoid trouble with the elders, I wondered if a witness can have blood taken out and thrown away. Like that no blood is donated. Would that be a reason for Disfellowshipping?

  • kelsey007

    I think that it is a purging process. If you'll come back thats great- dont want to, then they can deal with you- no loose ends.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."but I had a too high level of red blood cells. He suggested that I give blood once every 3 months. He said it would do me good"....

    Its Definitely time for the Governing Body to convene and pray intensely over THIS matter!

    May a Witness in good standing EXTRACT blood from his body if it benefits his health???


  • Beans

    There is now way they will be looking for Apostates, that would be a negative impact as it could turn on them. They go door to door seeking members, making a call to find a stray Apostate is off track!


  • Debz

    Thats a thought Refiner`s another ...what about when teeth get distracted...theres lots of blood ...have to swallow it dont ya even if it is your own...I remember being about 10 when I had my front teeth pullled ...Mother made me spit blood all day in case I ingested any....lolololol

    Here`s another thought.....

    Recent dramas in my family when my 3 month old g/son needed urgent major surgical intervention on his little skull...My Mother made a huge scene....implying that my daughter was `blackmailed` into agreeing to use blood, if necessary. To make matters worse.....she implied that these learned surgeons and specialists `didnt know what they were doing` and only cared about getting sued!!!!!....Me well..I think (no, I know) they saved my g/sons` life as without the op he would have grown and slowly crushed his brain........his skull bones were all fused together at birth. The condition is Saggittal cranio-synantosis........and I`m so grateful that specialists like this surgeon have the ability to do these life saving ops... with or without blood....(he didn`t have to use blood anyways!) ....D

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