Recovering from shunning Part 2

by MegaDude 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joyzabel

    How did I get that pic so big? sorry.

    and see, I've been drinking my Merlot, my horizons never come out level!

  • alamb

    roflmao@ joy

    can i join?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    Great post!

    Force yourself to get out there. It wasn't easy for me. I still feel like a foreigner in a strange land many times. But I have found it ultimately rewarding.

    That's the trick isn't it? It's much easier staying at home being on the computer or watching TV. But I believe in karma. You get back what you send out. Not every time, but mostly. It's tough at first, but it does get easier with time. You sound like you're doing better at integrating into the real world than I ever did!

    Where do you start? Wherever you want. Wherever you feel comfortable to reach out to people. Being on this forum is a good start. Go at your own speed and in your own timeframe. But pick a situation to begin widening your people contact and then after that feels comfortable pick another and so on.

  • LyinEyes

    Very good advice Mega,,,,,,,,,, I am doing the same. WildTurkey and I have been doing the night club thing, or tribe......., and it is fun but now I am seeking more. That got me out of the house and around others and I have made lots of nice people some are even friends.

    We are moving back to the town where Jake(our son) goes to school. We lived there for 10 yrs and it will be nice to get back to our litte town. All the kids friends are there, they can run and play and not get on all the old folks nerves , like they do in this retirement neighborhood.

    I am thinking of even going to the bib baptist church in order to get my kids some kind of association and involvment with the community. The church there is always doing things for the kids and I want to become part of the community. All the time we lived there we were hermits because we were anitsocial JW's.

    I look forward to getting to know the people I have known for years but knew them by name only.

    I am not sure if I can handle the church deal, but we shall see. I am going in , knowing I will beleive only what I want to believe,,,,,, but I might just like it.

  • Prisca

    Cool post Mega.

    It's not easy trying out new tribes, especially when we don't feel we would have much in common with the other tribe members. But once you start talking to people, you realise we all can have things in common. For instance, I was at Hippicon's garage sale today, and I got talking to a lady who used to be a Born-Again. The church she was in was very cult-like, and we found we had a few things in common, from trying to leave a religion that we had strong ties to. By the time I had to leave, I felt I'd made a new friend.

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Dede, sounds as if that move will be a positve one all the way around. Especially for the kids. I enjoyed what you had to say about getting to know people you'de been around for many years, but...ain't it the truth. Neighbors who are complete strangers because of a judgemental religion that lacks the ability to see anything good and wholesome.

    Too, kids need the freedom to run and play; just be kids. As an old timer I'd get tired of that constant motion, but that comes with aging. I love children. They need attention, and sometimes those 'strangers' who are not afraid to report things to the parents. But I see to many older people that have an attitude of not caring about our youth.

    Yesterday at work while waiting on a small group of people, the old lady (grandmother) constantly belittled the girl who I'd guess was 2 or 3. She was absolutely the most perfect child that grandma could say nothing nice about. When it came to the baby in the group, grandma couldn't praise him enough. THe whole thing made me sick to my heart.

    At one point I noticed the mother looking at grandma with some consternation about how she spoke to the girl, but didn't say a word. That to me is shame, pure and simple. I do not like old people like that, but they are out there, eh.

    So I'm sending good thoughts your way about the move. In closing I'll share that at different times my husband and I have tried attending other religions, too. He is a former Mormon and their stories pretty much match ours. Anyhow, there were some wonderful people and the music was always uplifting, but in the end, for us, no difference between the agenda.

    Then again we went the political route, too, and the New Age/Metaphysical. It's all an adventure that takes one on a journey of self exploration. Whatever you do in life - ENjoy and learn. People will always be the most interesting subject matter. The good still outweigh the other.

    love, granny.

  • Solace


    You are a very open and honest person. I cant imagine it being long before you hook up with that special someone. Personlly, I think you should start a Mega tribe. The world needs more people like you.

  • MegaDude

    Thank you everyone for the kind replies.

    Around Christmas time, if you don't have a strong social support base, it can be a lonely time of the year. I am very fortunate that I did not lose an entire family like some posters have. I have my father who was never a JW, three great ex-JW sisters I am crazy about, brothers in law I actually like. Some here have a harder road to travel because they lost their entire family.

    Still, I try to keep in mind: The faster you move on with your life, the more psychologically healthy you will be. In time, what feels forced will become natural.

    BTW, Joy....that is an awesome pic!!!! It's like you live in a vacation spot.

    Edited by - megadude on 14 December 2002 22:56:55

  • justhuman

    Nice post MegaDude

    You are from the lucky ones that still not all of your family are in the Borg.

    Imagine us that all of our families are still in...

    About Christmas I enjoy this time of the year wishing merry Christmas to everyone...I was feeling like a fish out of the water when people wish you merry christmas or happy new year and say nothing to them.

    The Org has turn us into unsocial personalities, out of this the way here is a nice joke regarding your post:

    What common things have a U.F.O and Jehovahs Witnesses?....

    Both of them they are not from this world...

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