Cardinal Law

by comforter 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • comforter

    Bernard Law hath resigned. Boston archidiocese in trouble. The destruction of BTG is near. The corruption of Babylon now evident more. A friendly warning from

    the nameless one

  • Shutterbug

    Cardinal Law is in trouble because of alleged cover up of child abuse. Has it ever occured to comforter that he lives in a glass house and shouldn't be throwing rocks?? Get you own nest cleaned up pal and then, and only then, will you have the moral authority to clean up the other fellows domain.

  • expatbrit

    A shame that the Governing Body don't have even the barest shred of decency displayed by Cardinal Law.


  • comforter


    the witnesses are nothing like catholic molestors. governing body have not moved elders from congreation to congregation or turned a blind eye as elders trade coke for kids. it is applers and peaches.

    cardinal law is a cad. there is no decency in the man. people had to virtually kick him out to make him resign. and he might not come back to united states. how much decency that?


  • minimus

    And who is able to "virtually kick" anybody out of the Governing Body? No one could, even if they wanted....It's a closed society. Law got caught and the money left the Church. If somebody in the GB ever got caught and the publicity made the donations non-existent, then, and only then, would anything happen to those that ignore pedophiles.Still, dumb die-hards would find a way to excuse it all away!

  • YERU2


    When the Governing Body starts to address it's own problems with Pedophilia, lets talk, otherwise, SHUT UP.

  • rowdy

    hey comforter you have to learn how to crawl before you can walk brother and you cant walk here when it comes to this subject. support your local red and white rowdy

  • larc

    Comforter, the GB does not have to move a pedophile from one KH to another. They just let them stay where they are and don't tell anyone about the criminal. Quick question: where does this "coke for kids" come from? Do you have some news release for us? Comforter, I don't know why you bring this up again. You already know what our replies will be.

  • LB

    Oh how wrong can you be. Elders have been moved around and unless it becomes public knowledge they continue with their fine works. Don't you watch the news or read the papers???

    Think Jehovah is really going to destroy all his beauty???

  • hawkaw

    In the case of Daniel Fitzwater, he raped 17 little children in 6 different congregations. People like Laurie Fitzwater notified the leadership. The leadership's response was to do nothing, NOT report the inicidents to the police and of course "silence" the victims and advocates. That in my mind is aiding and abetting and is just as bad as what the Catholics have done.

    The JW leadership is worse than the Catholics for NOT coming to grips and at least admitting there is a problem. They have also silenced all victims and advocates and blame others for their own policy.

    While I don't like either Religious groups handling of these cases, there is absolutley no way you can argue that the JWs are way better than the Catholics on this one.

    Both have treated victims in a horrible fashion and it just goes to show - if you don't have the checks and balances and allow people to be free, then you are going to have serious problems with your organization in today's society.


    p.s. - you, as a JW, must refuse to believe that Daniel Fitzwater, a convicted felon rotting in jail, is a rapist. And you consider Daniel Fitzwater a JW in good standing. Why? Because your Borg has not convicted Fitzwater in a Judicial Hearing since there were never two witnesses to a crime. That says all I need to know about you. It's so sad to see people as sick as you. I hope you can get professional help some day and realize that you can make your own decisions.

    Edited by - hawkaw on 13 December 2002 10:18:43

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