Watching the World......Six got shocked

by SixofNine 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar


    We had a similar situation happen in Kansas City a couple of years ago. A man made a similar remark to his co-workers. He followed through and then he murdered the young woman after he raped her. This guy is sick. No wonder you are shocked. It isn't often that a madman reveals himself in such a way.


    Edited by - robdar on 13 December 2002 2:16:19

  • Brumm


  • ugg

    MAJOR SCUZ BALL!!!!!!!!!!!! dangerous remark made....needs to be reported....

  • CraigSA

    Fortunately for her - if he was in the truth there would have been 2 eye witnesses....

  • LittleToe

    Maybe you should put that shiney new light saber to use

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    Speaking as a woman who has been raped, PLEASE TELL HER! At least tell her that the guy is dangerous or something. I am not being critical of you. The shock of hearing such a statement would tie my tongue up too.

    I know you don't want this woman to be hurt. Please warn her and possibly inform the authorities.


  • Skeptic


    Having had to deal with very sick people all too often, and having some as friends, I will share what they advise.

    First, warn the woman. This may scare her needlessly, or it may save her from being a victum.

    Second, you might want to warn the sicko. Simply telling him that you will call the police if anything happens to her should make him back off. There is a risk that warning him might make him terrorize her enough that she will not tell anyone.

    Third, you might want to tell him what you will do to him if she is harmed. Be prepared to do whatever you claim you will. There are ways of doing this without breaking the law, or ensuring that he will not have you charged.

    Fourth, you work in the construction field. I am certain you can give any number of warnings, if you apply your imagination.

    Fifth, there are brutal ways of handling this. My friends have done them, and they work every time. They are not appropriate to list on this forum.

    My friend also suggests you find out where this man lives. It is fairly simple to locate anyone in North America will a little effort. For the truly inept, they can pay a detective about $300 to do it for them...and many people get $300 as Christmas gifts, so in a sense it isnt even an expense to them. In your case, simply follow the fellow home one night. You never know when you will need that information.


    Edited by - Skeptic on 13 December 2002 15:45:33

  • freedom96

    Us guys have all enjoyed looking at a good looking gal, but to say something that crude is ..... I can't find the right words for that.

    I swear sometimes some people need a good ass kicking!!

  • SPAZnik
    who the hell says stuff like that?!?

    Apparantly construction workers. Watch out. They're strong!

    Awesome comeback, BG.


    Okay, okay, it was truly an ugly comment and if he wuz serious he iz Trubble.
    It makes me uncomfortable, that that guy knows where that woman lives.
    The fact that he thinks it's *normal* or healthy to think that way and he thinks that you would agree with him or find it funny,
    is telling about him.
    The fact that it made you uncomfortable, and you wanted us to know dat, is telling about you.
    (I mean, as telling as the internet can be about a person, right?)
    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Six, u da man.

    All that said, I'm not one to run around all 'fraid of bein' raped. I'm acutely aware of the dangers.
    In fact, I'm more afraid of a person that doesn't tell me what they are honestly thinking.
    Just cuz a person talks about rape (or murder), doesn't mean they are gonna do it.
    Just cuz a person doesn't say it aloud, doesn't mean they aren't thinking it or won't do it either.
    And just cuz I think both those thoughts, and shared them,
    doesn't mean I'm clueless about protecting myself or that I'm gonna get raped.
    And just cuz I have a reasonably good understanding about people and their potential to commit violence,
    doesn't mean I'm NOT gonna get raped or murdered either. There are no guarantees.
    There are however, practical protective measures that can be implemented.

    There ARE rapists in this world, and murderers, we'd all do well to educate and protect ourselves in every way possible.
    If ya really wanna understand what kinda person/circumstances to look out for, and how to respond to them, and most importantly
    how to listen to your own intuition
    , read Gavin de Becker's book, the Gift of Fear.


    So, if I don't wanna play the damsel in distress, does that mean the knights in shiny armour won't wanna play wif me? *pout*

  • teejay

    I dunno...

    Has anyone thought of the possibility that the guy is just crude and wouldn't hurt a flea? Or maybe just thought he was being funny?

    After all, with all the talk of murder and calling police and tracking the guy home... I mean... gimme a break! All we know about him is this single comment he made after oogling a babe nextdoor. Who knows what other off-color stuff was said by the more "normal" of that group.

    Personally, I'd like a little information before me and the boys go muck him up.

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