I was once an angel on a tree.......please read...

by Jesika 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I've given gifts to two angels in the past.

    One was for three kids from one family that were in foster care. They didn't ask for anything fancy. Mainly basics like clothing. I bought everything they asked for and got them each a toy. It was so meaningful shopping for them and knowing that my efforts would be appreciated.

    Another time I picked an elderly lady in a nursing home. Again, nothing fancy was listed. Slippers, tissues, pens, writing paper, stamps, etc., were requested. So, I went to Costco and bought industrial size boxes of everything and a roll of a hundred stamps.

    Unfortunately, I haven't seen an angel tree this year.


  • Solace


    That is so sweet, adding that little extra touch.Im sure the kids loved it!

    You know, some of the elderly really dont want or need much. If they can still write, keeping in touch with their distant family is so much more enjoyable if they have pretty stationary and stamps to get them through the year. Many of them do not have extra money since they have spent down their income on their health care. They cannot afford to buy the luxuries that we can.

    Edited by - heaven on 21 December 2002 14:24:1

  • Trotafox

    Yep, adopted my first Angel this year. His name is Carlos and he is age 2. He wanted an educational toy (which Mommy suggested I'm sure ).

    Well, I got him that plus a hooded red sweatshirt and jogging pants...tee hee...they were so-o-o-o small. And a nice soft fluffy Golden Retriever stuffed dog. Every boy should have a dog.

    A girl at work always coordinates an Angel Tree project for children every year. There were 8 bicycles, I believe, given this year. And they, plus all the other presents, were all being stored in her office.

    This was my first year of participation and I loved every minute of it. Never having had kids or any kind of a family (let alone little family members), I am somewhat bewildered in shopping for a kiddie. But I'm learning.


  • cruzanheart

    My office adopts kids for Christmas and next year I will do that. This year we gave money for a disadvantaged family (the PTA's words) to help them have a merry Christmas. And Chris & I will go find an angel tree, if he hasn't already done so. That was a beautiful, touching story, Jesika. I'm sorry we lost touch with you during those years but I'm glad we've found you again.



  • Mulan

    I have never seen one of those trees, but I will look for them from now on.

    Princess sent me this email last week. Similar: We went to Target to buy some pjs and stuff for "grandmas and grandpas who don't have families". Their class is gathering stuff for a nursing home. I gave Wanda a bag of stuffed animals yesterday. One of them is a lion cub that purrs and the kids never play with that stuff. She told me she put it in bed with a lady who is bedridden with advanced diabetes. She cried when Wanda gave her the lion cub. I spent about $50 or more but it's worth it, that is what Christmas is about.

  • LeslieV

    Dear Jessika I am so glad you were picked from the angel tree program. I am the director of emergency services for the Salvation Army. Yesterday I finished the angel tree program. We gave out toys, clothes etc to 1,800 children. Also gave Xmas dinner to over 700 families. For those that do not know the angel tree program is sponsored by the Salvation Army. After being a JW for many years I am so priviledged to work for them and experience what is truly giving. Every angel tree child gets what is purchased for them..if they do not get what they want we add to their bag so they do receive what they need. It is all sponsored by the red kettle campaign. So PLEASE don't always walk past the volunteers that stand in the cold ringing the bells. Thanks to all that give to others. Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!


  • Mulan

    But those bells are SO irritating and LOUD!! I told the bell ringer at the post office a couple of weeks ago, I might contribute if he would quit ringing the DAMN BELL!! He immediately stopped.

  • Solace

    We have so many giving people here!


    OMG I love it. Bet ya edited that for the board. Admit it, you told him you were about to take that bell and shove it *&%$^&%^$ Ya know, where the sun dont shine.

    Edited by - heaven on 21 December 2002 23:44:42

  • Mulan

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