Prophetic Poverty and Delicious Torture!

by LDH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Well, kids, it's that time of year again!!!

    The time of the year when the rest of the Western World slows down just a little, gives thanks for what they have and stops bitching about what they don't have, and thinks of lending a helping hand to their neighbors a little bit get the idea!

    I wonder what those knuckleheads the JWs will be doing?







    Oh, now I remember!

    Most of the JW children will be bundled up warmly, stashed in the car, and driven around to look at the BE-YOO-TI-FULL Christmas lights. Of course, the whole time they're looking at the lights and trees, their parents will be doing some rationalizing, and it'll go like this:

    "See, Johnny, look at those beautiful lights! And that beautiful tree! Didn't Jehovah make beautiful trees for us to enjoy? Just because someone calls a "tree" a "Christmas tree" doesn't make it one! It's just a beautiful tree with pretty lights on it! AND, Jehovah LOVES pretty things. Aren't Christmas lights pretty? That is one of the dangers of Christmas. Satan makes it look SOOOOO FUN. But, as wise Christians, we know that we can *merely LOOK* at the beautiful decorations without PARTAKING in the Satanic worship rituals of Christmas!!! Isn't Jehovah wonderful?"

    Now, right about this time, the kid is thinking, ', this expletive deleted sucks. Riding around LOOKING at other people having fun SUCKS. ' But because Johnny is a good little 6 year old JW boy, he give the right answer so that he can, for Cripe's sake, just look at the lights in peace.

    Fun, huh?

    Well, don't forget the other part of the Christmas season equation....Charity to neighbors and community. Luckily for the JWs, Jesus' words have once again been misinterpreted. Do you remember when Mary was chastised for pouring expensive oil on Jesus' head? Jesus rebuked those chastising her and said, "You will always have the poor with you." The point is, Mary had a ONCE in a lifetime opportuity to do something for her Lord and Savior. After Jesus was gone, Mary could continue to care for the poor.

    Now, JWs have handily interpreted this scripture to mean....drumroll.... BECAUSE THERE ARE ALWAYS POOR PEOPLE THERE IS NO SENSE IN DOING ANYTHING TO is just a drop in the bucket.

    Now the shocker is that the GB twists these words to pursuade JWs that they, the Governing Body, are the equivalent of JESUS!!!! Yes, YOU, my friend, are so lucky to be able to give all of your assest to Jesus' representatives here on earth. Don't waste money on the poor! The JWs need it to continue subsidizing their book sales, after all!

    There now, aren't you glad it's Christmas season?

    I hope that while you are enjoying the scenes of the season, you will also consider the less fortunate . Whether you donate a toy, a can of food, or $1 it helps.


    Would love to pour *BURNING* oil on the GB's heads Class

    Edited by - Englishman on 13 December 2002 9:13:55

  • rebel

    Hi Lisa,

    I know as a JW I would never consider doing anything for charity - it just wasn't acceptable. By donating to charity, you were saying that you did not trust Jehovah enough to sort things out. I was told that there was no point in JWs taking part in any sort of relief aid (except if it was for other JWs) because anything we gave would be short-lived. The only way to TRULY help people was to pester the life out of them by calling at their homes at the most inconvenient times to get them to buy a WT or Awake mag. I used to really long to take part in Children in Need or one of the other big fundraising events or buy a poppy or something because it gave immediate help to those in need. But NO! By giving to charity I would be supporting Satan and his demons! How sick can you get? And how gullible could I have been????

  • freedom96

    I remember my dad when asked to donate, would always announce that we were witnesses (while I shrunk) and we would not donate. Never really remember a reason. I do recall there being negative talk about charities in general among the witnesses.

  • acsot

    Geez, I guess I wasn't such a good dub after all!

    By donating to charity, you were saying that you did not trust Jehovah enough to sort things out. I was told that there was no point in JWs taking part in any sort of relief aid (except if it was for other JWs) because anything we gave would be short-lived.
    I heard that repeated over and over again also, but I always figured "why not give to charity, it'll at least help out a bit now, while we're waiting for God's kingdom." I've been giving to various charities for years, all during the time when I firmly believed Armageddon was just around some corner or other. Damn that rebellious streak of mine!
  • caligirl

    We always got those little orange unicef boxes handed out to us at halloween when I was in elementary school and since we were not trick-or-treating to get them filled up, I used to find all the loose change in the house so that I did not take back an empty box. What I really hated was when someone would say that witnesses contribute to the community by witnessing. Right. That will feed a hungry family for sure.

  • Wolfgirl

    I had started giving to charities in the last couple years of my JW time. I just didn't tell anyone that I did.

    I hate how they twist everything around so they don't have to give money to anyone who isn't a JW.

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Your post is so right on LDH and understandably done in a sarcastic manor.

    Did the GB ever noticed Jesus did not have a place to rest his head.......but HE Did Collect for the POOR!!!

    Hmmmm makes one think.......Jesus who could have rightfully said Preaching work Father will take care of the poor later choose to take care of poor persons PHYSICAL as well as SPIRITUAL needs! Plus Jesus went homeless to do it!!

    I like to read about spiritual people from the past in all ages and Ignacio Loyola a spanish very wealthy aristocrat and knight was once injured in battel....he ended up in a monestary for 6 months with nothing but the bible and "Bible Based" publications to keep him company. After he was healed he repented all his sins......gave all his riches to the poor....and went around preaching!! He no longer ever tried to be wealthy again but, dedicated his life to God. He was very often arrested for preaching with out a degree and so later on he got sick of this and did get a degree.

    Ignacio was one of the formers of the Jesuit priesthood at the time when the Jesuits were known as the Conscience of the church. These men all vowed poverty and to help the poor.....the church became angry with them and would kill throughout europe you can find homes that have hidden compartments where people hid These special Priests from Church officals.

    Ignacio noticed that one reason people were poor was that they lacked education and so he started schools that were to be free to the poor children so thay they could grow to suport thier familys in a comfortable manor. Notice he did not go back to being wealthy himself but, still dedicated his life to teaching of God and Jesus and makeing the poors life more comfortable in this world.

    This he did because He loved Jesus and Jesus' true message and he loved His creator very much!

    Couldn't The GB who have big buildings and beautiful lands.....cumfortable beds....and health insurance and retirement homes....when there are poor people doing with out through out the world....when there are poor JW doing without World Wide......Couldn't they learn from this man?

    If one does can find many more like Ignacio throughout history...even today.

    You will know them by thier love

    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 12 December 2002 16:28:43

  • rebel

    I am so annoyed with myself after reading all your posts. I have started to give to charity over the past year or so, but I should have done it sooner. I was a bit of a doormat, you see, until I got to the stage where I couldn't keep quiet any more and I started to question everything which got me a bad name. I didn't mention my doubts to anyone but the elders, but you know how things get around once the elders (and their wives) know about it. They think I am not submissive enough and should just put up or shut up, but I won't. I wish I had given to charity years ago. I did give when I was RC but, becoming a JW soon put a stop to any charitable acts on my behalf.

  • LDH


    Don't beat yourself up too badly. You were doing what you thought was right at the time.

    I've always had a love of doing for others, and yet for the first 27-8 years of my life, I was tricked by manipulative wrinkled old men into NOT lifting one finger to help others.

    Now, it's different. I do at least ONE charitable act per week. Partly for the needy, and honestly partly for myself. I now recognize that I have a need to care for others.

    Last week I met a friend downtown, was going to watch her kids while she and her boyfriend went to a hockey game. As I was driving away, I saw a homeless man just sitting under the bridge, and it was COLD out.

    I had like $2 on me, and I just thought, "Well I will let someone else help this time."

    After driving about ten minutes in the opposite direction, I turned around (DAMN my conscience), went to AM PM gas station and brought him a burrito and a hot cup of coffee. It wasn't much, but it was all I had.

    I drove around till I found him again (kids in the car), and when I found him I simply asked him if he had eaten dinner yet that evening. Of course, he had not. So I gave him those two cheap items and wished him peace.Can you imagine if I had offered him an AFake or Witchpower magazine?

    (barf - o - rama)

    Now, I don't have ALL of the solutions for that man. Hell, I don't even have MOST of them. But the difference is, I used what I did have to help out.

    Surely, Jehoover (who notices when a sparrow falls to the ground, apparently) thinks more kindly on acts of charity than magazine sales.


  • nelly1

    me too i remember charities used to ask me for money, i was a single parent and i couldnt afford to put money in the contribution box at the hall so i used to say well if i cant afford to put money at the hall then i shouldnt be giving money to these ppl, man i feel bad now thank goodness jehovah knows we are mislead....

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