KM Official Explanation of Counting Time

by Funchback 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SYN

    Good post Funch! Highly damning!

  • surferdude

    i am so glad i am going to be out of town when this article is being considered, i don't think i could contain myself from saying a stupid(but correct) comment at the meeting. i just got the "you are not preaching enough" speech (hey i thought 5 hours was plenty), so i have now started to turn in 1 hour a month,,, thats it. i am tempted to put like 25 for next month to bring up my average, but i dont think i want the hassle... even before this thread i had my answer for the question, "what are the reasons for turning in time?"..................................... my answer------- "So the elders can judge publishers spirituality and determine if they have enough hours to be used in the congregation" i dont think i would have the balls to say it but it would be nice... and i think the first paragraph with the crowd estimates means -------we just have to do a better job at counting attendance(which they are pretty anal about already, double count at the assemblies? come on, counting the restrooms?)


  • Jourles

    Wasn't there a topic in an old mag, book, KM, ? where it actually said something to the effect, "Jehovah says that pioneers must put in 100 hours per month, aux pioneers must put in 70 hours, publishers 20 hours..." I could swear that I read this somewhere. And the decade of the 1940's really sticks in my mind as the date it was published.

  • archangel01

    Your worth isn't by time, who are they to judge you,God is timeless but NOONE judges him do they?OF COURSE NOT!

    Heres a throught.If we are to count time went hearing of talking about GOD.Then count ALL the time you sit there at the meetings/Kingdom Hall. Lets see sunday meeting 2Hrs,Tueday meeting 1Hr,Thurday meeting 1.5 Hrs


    4.5 x 4 weeks(1month)=18hrs HEY WHY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Edited by - archangel01 on 13 December 2002 1:17:52

  • LDH

    LOL....and yet again, an appearance is made by "The mysterious Brother Some."


    "SOME have found it helpful to keep a diary."


    See what one of the XJW greats, Norm, has to say about "Brother Some":

    Perhaps you ought not follow Brother Some's advice!


    Hi! Funchback Class

  • archangel01

    DIARY OF A MADMAN...........OZZY

  • DIM

    I respect everyone here on this board, but christ this is a little thing to bitch about. Freedom of religion, freedom of choice. if you hate it so much, quit! Negative energy kills, the WTS isn't worth it!

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