Human Compassion

by Xena 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    I can't help but wonder if it gets lost somewhere in cyberspace. There are a couple of threads that are active at this time where the original poster did or said something deemed inappropriate....this was pointed out to them...threads locked or the poster retracted what they should be over right? But nooooo some people continue to kick that poster over and over and over.....with their mocking and cruel comments. Rubbing their noses in their mistakes.....

    Why is that I wonder? Have we become so desensitized by the sterile environment of the internet that we forget that there are real people with real feeling and real problems on the other side of those words? People who make mistakes and should be granted forgivesness and be allowed to move on?

    What's that? You want to warn people about this person? How many posts does it take? How much scorn must be reaped upon them? Are they allowed no opportunity for redemption? I do agree that both parties deserve the right to present their side of the "story", but to continually and deliberately try to hurt and humiliate, that is just wrong.

    Just my opinion anyway..

  • LB

    Doesn't the entire thing just seem so highschool Xena? Or at the least the ranting of a very immature person? In another thread it was suggested that perhaps it is the plan to gain sympathy from women on the board in order to play someone else? His sights seemed to be set on Heaven, well, can't blame him much for that.

    But his coming on here and talking about polishing his cucumber online and then trying to play the part of the victim is hysterical in my mind.

  • expatbrit


    In a previous thread you quite clearly stated that the subject in question was "waxing his carrot". Now in this thread you contradict yourself and state that he is "polishing his cucumber."

    This is an obvious case of sneaking, hypocritical trolling that I've caught you in. I'm afraid your credibility just went into the dustbin. Perhaps there are other unfortunate vegetables that you wish to slander and libel? Well NOT HERE buddy!


    p.s. Xena: Thank you for the phrase "Human Compassion." I'm adding it to my list of oxymorons as I type.

    Edited by - expatbrit on 10 December 2002 10:25:24

  • Vee

    I want a link to these threads! I've been out of the loop and think I may have missed out V**

  • Xena

    lol guess I am the only one who ever posted something they later regreted....must be nice being perfect huh guys

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    And don't you *dare* insult broccoli. It's my friend. Not to mention doing something as gross as polishing or waxing it. It's perfectly happy to remain in its vegetative state.


  • Brummie

    How about insulting Parsnips?...they are just sooo mean...surely that would be alright?

    Brummie (*deliberately* starting a flame war )

    Edited by - Brummie on 10 December 2002 11:2:29

  • waiting

    welllllllll, if I were a man, I would imagine I would prefer to refer to myself as having a cucumber instead of a skinny ol' carrot. Unless I was *in possession* of a midget cucumber. I don't know if it would occur to me to wax or polish it, however.

    But no man will admit to the midget part.

    That wasn't a joke, btw. (for the humor impaired readers)

    waiting -- ok, it was a joke, kinda.

    Edited by - waiting on 10 December 2002 11:6:1

  • plmkrzy

    That was the sharpest turn I've taken today.

    I thought I was following along with topic right up to "polishing his cucumber online"

    I'm not sure where I missed the turn but

    if I had my way there would be no waxing of the carrots, or any other fruit. I prefer my fruit aLa'natural!

  • Xena

    *sigh* I give up....

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