what can I say?

by Lassie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • CBeMe

    Welcome Lassie.


  • Lassie

    Thank you, Moreisbetter, Beenthere, Greven, Brummie, DakotaRed and CBeMe for your welcome to this forum. I would have written sooner to thank you, but (hmmm....what is my excuse?)Really I had some computer problems...and wasn't able to get online.
    But I hope to make more posts here and there (even if they do put people to sleep). Of late I have been reading all that stuff about Yiz asking for money and really don't know what to think there, and based on a lot of the comments, I think I best stay out of that one if you know what I mean? But IMO what some people think as no big deal (like being afraid of losing your home over $179 mortgage payment) can be a whole lot to someone else. we don't know unless we have been in those shoes. If someone has never known anything but low income and something like that happens, it can seem like a really big deal...but regardless, i haven't been around here enough to really know anything, therefore I will just read for a while and pray that all works out for all concerned.
    Thanks again for the welcome and I look forward to spending more time getting to know everyone.

  • onacruse

    Lassie, welcome to the forum! Yizu's thread is a good example of why I like this place...I started off with a preconception, made some unwarranted comments, got a better view of the picture, apologized for any offense I might have caused, and learned something about myself in the process.

    And that's a big part of why we're here, eh? To learn about ourselves, and to perhaps help others learn about themselves.

    I hope your experience is as pleasant as mine is being.


  • Lassie

    So far so good. I enjoy reading just about everything here and can spend hours doing just that.
    Though haven't gotten brave enough to make comments unless I can find something that I truly can relate to. (and that would be?). I HAVE learned alot about myself here. Finally! I have found that I am not alone in all these years of being "in the world" and the guilt that I have had because i want a spiritual life, but the way it has been drummed into me when I was young that anything outside the "truth" just wasn't RIGHT. I am learning there IS right in all we just have to figure out where we fit. Make sense? It is figuring out where I fit individually and make a difference not only in myself but in helping others.
    Thanks for making me feel welcome. Hope i don't sound like a Dork...and if I do...oh well.

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