DFd for gluttony

by Tyler_Durden 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kjell Hedblom
    Kjell Hedblom

    Hahaha! Its so funny!

  • Gopher

    Trying to get DF'd for overeating?

    FAT CHANCE !!!

  • Derrick

    You are playing with fire, because believe it or not many local bodies of elders are composed of decent hardworking family men (and admittedly I speak only based on observations from my local community) who abhor the thought of having to disfellowship anyone! Putting them through the wringer by creating a false dilemma will lower yourself to someone who exercises human cruelty just to inflict emotional pain on others. If you feel the elders "deserve" this treatment then why not leave the vengeance to Jehovah God?

    The elders in my congregation are maxed out in supporting their families and selves in a treacherous economy, they're stressed out and some are bordering on nervous breakdowns, and those with families are spending time with them; and all this on top of performing the responsibilities required of elders to manage the congregation and Kingdom Hall facilities. For the most part, I have observed that elders try to avoid judicial committee situations if at all possible. Most of them believe in disfellowshipping members of the congregation for these major reasons:

    • Protect the congregation from dishonest conduct, immorality or a perceived threat such as "apostasy" (even if many JWs on the "fringes" such as myself know this is fundamentally wrong because shunning should be a conscience matter practiced by each congregation member individually). The elders may believe in their hearts disfellowshipping is scripturally correct and they have an obligation to protect the congregation by going through this time consuming ordeal:
      • Extreme examples where elders must take action to at least investigate include:
        • investigating someone allegedly involved in satanism
        • investigating someone allegedly engaging in prostitution or drug selling
        • investigating someone allegedly attending another church
        • investigating someone allegedly promoting "apostate" teachings to other congregation members
        • investigating someone allegedly committing fraud against congregation members or non-Witnesses or tax evasion or credit fraud
    • Protect a congregation member from harming themselves by investigating situations where harmful conduct is suspect:
      • Extreme examples where elders must take action to at least investigate:
        • investigating someone they believe is enslaved to smoking
        • investigating someone they believe is morbidly obese and the elders learn it is due to extreme overeating (as opposed to a medical condition they have no control over)
        • investigating some they believe is addicted to drugs

    You really don't want to convince the elders you are a glutton, because to do so would require you eat until you are morbidly obese and then lie to the elders by claiming you uncontrollably eat. Optionally you would have to become morbidly under-weight and then lie to the elders by claiming you deliberately binge and purge for the sole purpose of enjoying eating as much food as is humanly possible. (The latter claim will often cause the elders to believe you are suffering from bolemia and mental illness, which most people who practice binging and purging actually suffer from.)

    Surely you wouldn't go to these grotesque extremes to be the "first" to get DF'd for gluttony? If so then you might be suffering from mental illness without knowing it, and the elders might succeed in having you committed to a mental hospital for psychiatric observation if you succeed in "convincing" them in an attempt to get DF'd. Admittedly, I only speak from my own local experience. I realize there are reports of elders in parts of the U.S. and overseas that are on "power trips" and misuse their positions of authority in the congregations. Perhaps your congregation is one of these sad cases? Which could explain the basis for your bitterness that seems to lead you to want to play games with the judicial system, perhaps to teach them "a lesson" of some sort? I think life is too short. You should spend your time in other pursuits and just walk away if you feel this strongly. If you let God take care of any vengeance that may need taking care of, the wicked will get their comeuppance a lot better than you could ever mete out yourself! (I'm assuming there is a real bonafide reason you are so angry with them.)


  • hamptonite21

    When the elder shepard you for being inactive, tell them they can pick you up at the pub for service, Your there all the time.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    next time you go to a congregation picnic be sure and snatch that last piece of fruit flan just as the POs wife is reaching for it.

    Youll be set then.

  • SPAZnik

    LOL...I think it's hilarious.

    Witnesses seem to have more obese people "per capita" than other groups.

    They not only fail to enforce their own rules about gluttony,
    but they make the problem worse by discouraging "physical training" for the sake of "spiritual training".

    But, how many dubs would be left if they started df'ing for things like gluttony?
    Hell, what would they have left to do if not to eat to excess?

    I've seen witnesses that eat so much their children go hungry.
    I think you'd have to actually EAT your child before they'd consider it gluttony. If then.


  • MrMoe

    *laughs SOOOOOOOO hard*

    Good luck dude. Oh, try sloth also. Toss some dirty socks on the roof, spray paint your garage in neon green with smileys faces etc etc. Put some skid mark undies on ur mail box. Get a large dog and don't let it out. Large dog as in Great Dane. Let it sh*t and p*ss in ur house, but don't clean it up! Go to your local Elementary school dumpster and grab the trash tossed by the cafateria from the very bottom, will have a more potent scent this way. Sprinkle garbage on front lawn and in living room. Leave food until the maggots arrive, then call the elders and invite them and thier wives over for dinner. Upon thier arrival, open the front door in clothes u paid some homeless guy $20 for, serve them expried curded milk in moldy glasses. You drink only beer, Blue Ribbon brand. Oh, bonus, don't bathe for a week or so. Them spend the whole time weeping and crying abut what a glutton and slob you are, and do it right, you don't want them thinkin' ur being a funny guy.

  • terabletera

    hmmmmm, I think you'll need to add a step to the big pig out. You'll need to let them know that it is "easy to eat that much because..." and tell them that you purge yourself to make room for more. The way those nasty romans did remember? you'll need to make it clear that you do not do this because of a disfunctional mindset of trying to be thin because then they'll just think you have something you cannot help. So you'll need to make it clear that you do not CARE what you look like. Not washing your clothing could help.

    If that fails, really, I think the nakie at the KH is a good one.

  • Elsewhere

    Make a t-shirt that says: "Gluttony is Good!"

    Make sure you wear it around the JWs as much as possible.

  • gumby


    Now the works of the flesh are manifest and they are... drunken bouts, revelries, and things like these... those who practise such things will not inherit God's kingdom" (Galatians 5:19-21)

    Yip thats right. When you become a Witness or another type of christian you will never do these sins again.......ever! If you do your a sinner and you will die even though Jesus died for sinners sins.

    I hope this all makes sense.....cuz it doesn't to me or anyone else who REALLY thinks about it.

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