war in Irak

by happy man 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iwasyoungonce
    Why didn't the US finish him off on these grounds while they had a war in progress 10 years ago? Once a war is over, you can't bring up things that happened before that war to justify another war.

    Funny I thought that there were condtions to the cease fire which have been broken many times. By Iraq (Like 18 violation) And, yes history is an indicatior for present action. Just because a person Organization, or Political Government tries to dismiss it's past or does not recognize it that does not mean that the rest of us have to be so stupid.

    The medical issues and policies should be on a seperate thread but I will say this. America spends something like a billion dollars a year on illegal alien health care. Not on it's citizens but other Countries. (I.e. Mexico) Does it get any of it back? There is welfare. And once again the entitlement babies fail to see that in Government controlled Health care you pay through taxes for healthcare. You get what the government decides you get. You pay what the Government tells you to pay In America you get to choose what you want as a insurance policy. Government meddiling has done much more damage than anything else. The US has the best healthcare system in the world. It is no where near perfect and logical fixes are ignored. But, it is pretty good. One of the biggest gripes that I have is there it is a tax you have to pay, but here if you choose not to have insurance then you are a fool. How many Americans that read this choose to not pay for insurance? What if another 15%-40% of what you make was taken out in taxes because that is what it would mean. I am sooooo against that. I pay for insurance and I have zero compaints to the Gov.

  • Rogue_Protecter

    Did you listen to the dialogue in John Q?....he didnt have major medical insurance because HIS EMPLOYER changed the policy and he didn't know..Not the US Health system..The problems in the health system deal mostly with Ins company's..We have some of the best medical care in the world and we also practice prventive medicine where alot of country's do not..

    What I see as absurd is the people like in John Q who need surgery and cant get it...This is from the same hospitals that bring people in from other countrys to do surgery's for nothing eating the cost...and then our on citizens need help...well do a fund raiser..That is not the US goverment its the corporations..

    This kind of "logic" absolutely sucks to the world outside of America. We just don't buy it.

    Funny thing is other country's dont mind calling on the US when there being picked on or they need help.We provide billions in aid all over the world...Seems that if we have so much money invested we should be able to protect our investments makes good business since to me..

  • Mary

    Logical, perhaps you should move over to Iraq and live under the Islamic rule of Saddam Hussein if you think Bush is "more evil" than he is..........make sure you're well covered and don't try travelling anywhere without a male member of your family, and don't speak or even THINK anything bad about the government, otherwise, you'll be doing 25 to Life in prison over there..........what planet are you from anyway?

  • czarofmischief

    Hey happyman, nice to see you drop in again.

    Just wanted to point out that the US has three levels of government: Federal, State, and County as well as local governments for cities and towns.

    So when you see the Federal government spending Billions on defense, that's because that is their job, that's why we formed it 200 years ago. The State governments are usually responsible for many welfare and health programs (although there are also Federal programs that provide some coverage). And the Counties have health inspections, and etc.

    The trouble with governing a country that comprises 50 states, with cultures as different as Alaska and Hawaii to New York, is that different solutions work for different peoples. So that's why State governments usually take care of their own homeless, impoverished, etc. Speaking as a poor person, I only make $18,000 a year, which is not much in Pittsburgh, I know that I can get food stamps, free health care if I didn't have benefits, and some disability payments if I need them (I don't currently, I prefer to take care of myself as long as I can).

    What you are talking about is the fundamental difference between the American and European character. We built this country, while you are still dealing with your feudal heritage. This country was built by people who took care of themselves, while you expect your leaders to take care of you. OUr leaders are elected for a reason and for a set period of time, while Sweden still has a monarchy and an established church.

    I could go on and on, but neither system is inherently wrong. Both provide services and allow free speech, though, and basic human rights. However, when a king or dictator goes power-mad, they have always sought to crush and terrorize their own citizens. LIke it or not, America has been given its power for a reason. We put it down, before God, that we wanted freedom. And after we paid for it in our own blood during the Civil War, and freed the slaves in our own midst, we have been given a commission to tyry our best to bring freedom to the World. We stood up to the Kaiser in WW1, Hitler and Hirohito in WW2, Stalin and co. during the Cold War (Sweden was glad enough for us then, weren't you?), and now, radical Islam.

    We're not perfect, but we never claimed we were. However, if we don't liberate Iraq, who will? Sweden? France? Russia? No, only the USA and Britain are powerful enough and have the moral high ground to reslice the Middle East. Join us, Sweden. You'll feel better about yourselves. Help us liberate the MIddle East from Radical Islam. Put your generals into the public eye as heroes, your king as a Great Emancipator. You'd be amazed at how warm inside you'll feel when you do the right thing.


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