PROFESY + HOCUS-POCUS= Inconsistent lies

by Gerard 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hooberus

    The 1928 Watchtower even went so far as to say that those who have devoted themselves to the Pyramid were turned away from Jehovah and his Word! So for the first 50 years of its history the Watchtower Society was turned away from Jehovah and His Word, hense they were not His witnesses! nor His organization.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well brother hooberus its true that the Russellian "organization" wasnt ORGANIZED. In fact it was avowedly ANTI ORGANIZATION.

    Its also true that the Russellian "none organized" organization wasnt engaging in the PREACHING WORK.

    Brother it is also so that they espoused PYRAMID MEASUREMENTS and PARALLEL DISPENSATIONISM as a guide to Biblical date interpretation.

    Yet despite these things they were the most HONEST HEARTED, PRAYERFULL, QUESTERS AFTER GOD on earth, in the year 1918 when God chose his visible earthly representatives. They were the closest to the "true" Biblical truths.

    I mean those horrible 7th Day Adventists while very holy and prayerfull, while very ORGANIZED, while having ABANDONED DATE SETTING, well, frankly, they espoused the Sabbath. How ridiculous. Surely brother hooberus you can see that the pyramid measuring, false prophecying, dis organized dubs were CLOSER to Biblical TRUTH than the Adventists. Yes??

    Edited by - refiners fire on 7 December 2002 16:38:49

  • deddaisy

    LOL............this cult never ceases to amaze.

    If my JW family saw this they'd be floored. Unfortunately they're instructed to avoid sites like this, especially if it references their own litter-ature. now I suppose I'll be forced to wear a huge pyramid around my neck when I visit family and answer the door to dubs. uuummmm, what a conversation piece, huh?

  • hooberus


    The 1993 Proclaimers Histoty Book has a small picture of the Pyramid . . . a great way to start a conversation with family. It even mentions the Nov. 1928 watchtower which states pyramid devotion to be satanic! And thus the WT was "turned away from Jehovah and his Word"

    • Therefore how could they have been of God during this 50 year period of time?
    • Since the Apostles never taught pyramidology, how did the light get brighter 18 centuries later when the WT started to teach it?
    • Why did it take the WT 50 years for then to finally realize that the Pyramid is satanic?
    • Why did Jesus approve Pyramid followers as his slave in 1919?
  • Gerard
    "What happens to the end of the world if we convert to metrics? Uh-oh, don't look now. I think we might have missed it....damn!"

    Dia: You have made my week...I've laughed sooooo hard!!!! Brilliant!!!


  • found

    Ditto Gerard to Dia's "metric" ROFLMAO"! That was great! BTW, after being in the borg for over 30 years I never knew that! Big surprise huh?

  • deddaisy
    The 1993 Proclaimers Histoty Book has a small picture of the Pyramid . . . a great way to start a conversation with family. It even mentions the Nov. 1928 watchtower which states pyramid devotion to be satanic!

    hooberus, great points ! Most witnesses are unaware of it's organization's earlier teachings, but alot are aware of Russell's pyramid stone at his grave ! How they can read the Proclaimers Book and not question why the organization's FOUNDER had a satanic symbol (with an engraved cross and all) as a gravestone is mind-boggling !

    ( This is bizarre, just recently an acquaintance of mine mentioned her bizarre sister's latest ramblings. Her sister is, among other things, a Seventh Day Adventist. She is very educated, but close to being homeless at all times because she hates to work, got into drugs, stripping, and the Adventists after college. Really bizarre. So, she was telling my friend about some "mysteries of the pyramids" tape recently. Going on about pyramids and aliens, how alot of the Bible could be explained by the pyramids being built for aliens to see, or some such thing. We doubted this was common Adventist belief because it was just to far out there ! Good God, next we'll hear that "mysteries of the pyramids" is a WTS film!!!.)

  • Gerard

    How about this for pyramid devotion:

    *** The Divine Plan of the Ages, 1905 , end notes ***
    [Not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROMs]
    [Click here for scanned image of this page]



    - We are now living in "the Time of the End" of this Gospel age?

    - Our epoch is "the Day of God's Preparation" for the Millennial age?

    - The "Days of Waiting" are ended and the "Cleansing of the Sanctuary" -- the Church, -- the separating of its Wheat and Tares, is now in progress?

    - This is the reason for the beginning of the Return of Divine Favor to Fleshly Israel -- blinded for centuries -- to permit the gathering of an elect class from among the Gentiles?

    - This favor is gradually taking shape and known as Zionism?

    - Immanuel's Kingdom is now in process of establishment?

    - The Great Pyramid in Egypt is a Witness to all these event of the ages and of our day -- testifying in symbols?

    - The Pyramid's downward passage under "A Draconis" symbolizes the course of Sin? Its First Ascending Passage symbolizes the Jewish age? Its grand Gallery symbolized the Gospel age? Its Upper Step symbolized the approaching period of tribulation and anarchy, "Judgments," upon Christendom? Its King's Chamber the Divine Nature, etc., of the Overcoming Church -- the Christ, Head and Body? Its Ante-Chamber the Correction in Righteousness of the "Great Company" etc.? Its Queen's Chamber those of Israel and the world who attain Restitution?

    All these interesting topics with ten Pyramid illustrations can be had in "Thy Kingdom Come" [Studies in the Scriptures vol III]

    [Emphasis Added]

    Edited by - Gerard on 10 December 2002 10:2:17

    Edited by - Gerard on 10 December 2002 10:5:47

  • deddaisy

    so what of the mummified Royalty in the pyramids? Perhaps they've returned to rule from the museums ?

    edited to add: I saw the mummified cats from the Egyptian Pyramids when they were at the Toronto Museum, they must have been part of the 144,000 ?

    Edited by - deddaisy on 10 December 2002 14:33:23

  • Gerard

    I counted the steps in my home: 14

    multiplied by the number of birds I saw that morning: 43

    divided the total by the amount of carrots left in my fridge : 5

    I substracted the number of channels I get on my TV: 3

    Added the number of telemarketing calls received on saturday morning before 10 AM: 4

    = 121 days left of this planet as we know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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