The Watchtower Society Doesn't Care About Anything

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Solomon said thousands of years ago, "Nothing NEW under the sun".

    Guest 77

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    actually, they care mightily about what the rest of the world thinks in terms of how they conduct themselves. my sister did anyway. she wouldn't allow her 24-y/o daughter to go to san francisco with her COUSIN, also an adult and a witness, because the people in the hotel might guess that they were witnesses and not know they were related and think they were fornicating. they had to consult an elder over the phone and say a prayer over the phone before they finally permitted her to go.

    this is a different subject but another time she called and asked me to bring my 15-y/o son over to visit her daughter because she was depressed and really loved my son. all i could think of was a play-group mommy asking billy to come over and play.

    anyway, my sister was paranoid about coming to my house one time because i had an american flag flying outside. she came over and asked me to take it down i said what difference doest it make no one knows you're a witness but she said someone driving by might see her go to her car and know and what would they think? this was right after 9/11 too. i told her there's no way i'm taking that flag down, so she left. and i respected her "religion" when i was around her, believe me. then i invited her to my house on dec. 31 'cause she said she always felt lonesome then and we weren't having a new year's party just staying up late watching mystery science theatre on tape and having yummies but she said no even though i know i am not celebrating new year's someone might see me and think i am... i said in the dark? she didn't come over.

    God bless America!!!

  • imanaliento

    I think they will start caring about their pocketbooks when more lawsuits take hold.

  • Blueblades

    Mininmus,Not to joke about what I'm saying here.Not to remove blame.I think the reason they don't care is a couple of things.Alzheimers and Senility. The right hand don't know what the left hand is doing.Who is minding the store.I think the Legal Dept.Together with the Service Dept.The Writing Dept.has to check in with the Legal before it goes to print.The young ones on the Governing Body have to comply with those who have Alzheimers and Senility and are able only to slightly raise their hand for the Two-Thirds Vote.Don't Care?They aren't even aware of what it is to Care about anymore.Those who do,. can't do .Just my thought.Blueblades

  • TR
    Yes they do. They care about you and me. And the entire human race too. There are people dying, but if we care enough for the living, we'll make a better place for you and for me. Heal the system of things, make it a better place, for you and the WT society.

    Wake up and smell the printing press ink. The 'hovah tower only care about it's printing empire. Those old farts that are known as the GB will die out just like their predecessors, and some new old farts will take over. This will happen over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until the WTS disbands or becomes mainstream. Their prophecies just don't happen. Better start reading the older litter-ature and you'll see.


  • Mary

    Uh TR, I think it was meant as a joke..........those words are the words to one of Michael Jackson's song "Heal the World".......hey, maybe Michael baby should be part of the GB.......can you imagine???

  • wednesday
    They do so care.

    And if you don't believe me, then I don't care

    .Pls, so u see how fuunny this is? Maybe u were kidding.

    They care about their image and jmoney. I have been in the org all my life and that is all they care about. screw up and you'll find out-or not even screwup-just think for yourself-you'll find out

  • Iwasyoungonce


    I hope you are not hurting.

    Like all abusers they care about the abuse continuing. People like me are a real threat to that power base. I know that Witnesses do not think that they are being exploited or controlled. But you say that you were an Elder. What did you think of people who took contol of thier own destiny. What did you say about them, to them directly and behind their backs?

    There is nothing wrong with taking your penis back. Now go to your local Kingdom Hall and tell the Elders to give you back your penis. (Credit to Fish?)

    Once they have no power over you or any of your kin no they will no longer recognize you. You have become a clear and present danger to their power base. You are a light to others that are in darkness. Don't hide it.

    Shine boldly!

    They might not care.

    I do.

    Do you?

  • jgnat

    I think Bethel does care about their public image of the society. They tell the r&f they don't care what the television says about them. Otherwise, why would their teachings get noticably paranoid after the last round of bad publicity? I also notice they make a big deal about the JW sacrifice during WW II in Germany. They get themselves invited to every "survivors of the holocaust" memorial.

    Problem is, with rigor mortis setting in, the organization is functionally incapable of change. They don't know how to care.


    I too, don't think that the Organisation cares, after many, many years of coming up against lies in our last congregation, on one occasion, I wrote to the Society over very serious matters, I accused the elders of committing perjury (all could be verified) the District and Circuit overseers came to see us, but absolutely nothing came of it, as usual, the elders are still in the same position, then on top of all that, the UN scandal and paedophilia was the last straw ! This made us look into and study, more than ever before, USING OTHER INFORMATION not the WTBS. Even our letter sent at least three months ago, detailling all of this has been ignored.



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