Escape from Paradise: a new book by Brock Talon

by Brock Talon 22 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Brock Talon
    Brock Talon

    Simon - Thank you very much.

    Kairos - I hope you enjoy it.

    TableForOne - Thanks for the "faith" in me.


    I have to say, I'm a bit nervous about what my very first review will look like. I can only hope it's from a fan.

    Brock Talon


  • confuzzlediam
    Congratulations!!  I'm ordering the Kindle version!!  Looking forward to reading your experiences!
  • Crazyguy
    His first book was pretty entertaining so his second should be good, I look forward to reading it.
  • clarity

    Wowzers Brock .......good on ya!

    So proud of your tenacity.........glad you took the bull by the horns & produced another one.

    If books & stories like yours were on the market when I first woke up, I never would have been still stuck in...thinking it was me, thinking I was to blame for my lack of faith!  

    Wishing you all the best as always..



  • Brock Talon
    Brock Talon

    Confuzzeldim and Crazyguy, thanks so much for the kind words.

    Clarity, as always, I appreciate your support with both of my books. It's people like you that have given me the encouragement to complete this second project. 

    In the end, we ex-JWs should always find ways of supporting and encouraging each other.

    Brock Talon

  • zeb

    Lots of personal stuff. The guy admits he was no angel.

    His family is dysfunctional. His father had poor literacy skills and this caused a lot of anger and the much mentioned aggression. So what good was the Ministry School to this man why didn't it bring his standard of reading.... up.? This stands out clearly. How often I have heard jw adults reading in kingdom halls and skipping words or making up words as they went along.

    The descriptions of some of his 'friends' and their  shallow personalities are indicative of those whose thinking has all been done for them and who never achieved any personal achievements let alone as with his mother any education above elementary school. Spite seems to be the first recourse to anything they don't like. I kept thinking as I read "Is this all there is in his congregation?"  it appears it is.  In reading of his family life I was wondering  was this what was around me all the years I attended kingdom halls? 

  • Magwitch

    I just finished this book and it is an excellent read. I highly recommend!

    Many thanks to Brock

  • Brock Talon
    Brock Talon

    My thanks to you Magwitch... for your recommendation and kind words.


  • Truthexplorer
    Hi Brock, I just finished reading your first book journey to Gods house. You described everything as I had imagined bethel to be. It really didn't surprise meat all for some strange reason. Your experience was very interesting and enjoyed your candid views on how you felt about things when there. I enjoyed your book immensely and have downloaded your other book just now. I am looking forward to reading it over the coming week. All the best TE
  • Brock Talon
    Brock Talon

    Hi Thruthexplorer,

    Thanks for the kind words about Journey to God's House.

    I hope you enjoy Escape From Paradise too.

    I'd love to hear your take on which one you would give to someone trying to escape from the Watch Tower and which one you might give to a non JW to learn about that world.


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