by rebuilding94 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NaruNaruChan

    Welcome to the board, rebuilding. ^_^ Just keep on this board for a while, read other peoples experiences... it helps, really. Get involved in the world around you, it will make you feel a lot better. Trust me, you haven' t lost God's protection, just the organization (yeah, like they can protect anything. feh.) It gets better. Smiles1!

  • acsot

    Rebuilding94: Welcome! I'm fairly new here myself. What part of Canada are you from? You said "freezing" so I assume it's not Vancouver/Victoria nor the Niagara belt. Quite a few here are from Canada.

    Once again, welcome!

  • Iwasyoungonce

    Email is open.

    I for one do not feel abandoned and I hope that you don't. Rain falls from the sky down on all of us. That's life.

    How are your children. Have they been able to maintain a relationship with their Father?

    I am not afraid of going it alone either. If there is not "God" that's ok. As I say often "faith" is stronger anyway. "Have faith to believe. Don't believe to have faith." (Can't remeber who said that)

    I would love to say to the Jehovahla Witnesses at my door that they need to do alot more less talkin and alot more of shut the hell up! (Poor English on purpose)

  • shera

    Hi,Rebuilding and welcome.

    Glad your here and this is a good place to talk and relate to others.

  • twinkletoes


    (((Welcome))) it was so good to hear your story. Yet another one has seen the light !

    As others have said, read some of the posts here and you will be very much encouraged.

    There is more love shown to one another, here on this board, than I have found in the organisation. I haven't been to the Kingdom Hall for about one year and yet only one close friend has bothered to keep in touch.


  • rebuilding94

    Hi, a few of you have asked were I live.

    I live in the middel of Canada "the Praries", Manitoba is more than cold it is "freezing", Today is not too bad at -17, but yesterday was -30 with the wind chill. I walk to work every morning (a 15 min.walk) my gear consists of, 2 layers of clothing, down filled coat, wind pants, mitts, touque(a hat usually, wool) and a scarf that goes around my mouth.

    Yes, I look like a complete goof, but I stay warm.

    Is there any one here close to me?

  • NewLight2

    Welcome to the board. I lurk here every day, but don't post much. I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future.


  • Prisca

    Welcome to the board. Your husband was a sneaky fellow, leaving the books around like that. He must have known what would work best with you

    There are a quite a few posters from Canada here, so I am sure there will be somone nearby that you will be able to meet. It is an unreal experience to meet another ex-jw for the first time - someone who knows exactly where you're coming from. Hope you receive the support and friendship you need.

  • Sentinel

    Hi There. Welcome!!

    I really enjoyed your first post and look forward to reading more of your experiences. Getting out allows us the freedome to really "see" how we were trapped. Isn't it wonderful to be "your self"? I think so!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Oh wow another 'pegger about time. Hi there and wowweee welcome to the board

    Next thing - now how long before we meet?

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