Ex-JW Conventions and Support Groups

by Yizuman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Has anyone ever attended any ex-jw conventions? Like the one in New Ringgold, PA where Joan Cetnar who is a former JW that hosts the convention every year?

    What about support groups? Anyone attend any? Do you find them helpful?

    Curously yours,

  • recoveringexjw

    every month theres an exjw meetup day its normally at 5 pm on the first saturday all over the world . there may bee one near you. to find out more heres my addy [email protected]

  • bikerchic

    onacruse and I will be attending my first Meetup this Sat. I'm looking forward to meeting so many of the great people I've met thru this forum in real life. Here is a link to the Meet up sight:


    I think they can help you to form new friends in place of those you've lost.


  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond


    I'm planning on attending the same meet-up you and Onacruse are going to attend! I am looking forward to meeting both of you.

  • Brummie

    Yiz I went to Joan Cetnars PA convention in 1998...Fantastic! Would highly recommend it to anyone from any background. Hate flying but wouldnt hesitate to take a flight and do the 4000 mile trip again. Met some great people inc mouthy who posts here.


  • zev

    Support Groups.

    there is a center for religious research that amonst other things, has a support system.

    www.neirr.org i think is the site. its in lakeville massachusetts.

    Gwen and i go every other Saturday. for a couple hours. there is even another ex-jw there, amongst ex-members of other cults as well.

    they help people as well by giving them a place to go, for those who have the need for escape, and have nothing, or no one to go to. they help reintergrate people into society as well.

    i think we've been to 4 or 5 sessions so far. at times i've wondered about the different feelings and emotions i've had running through me after leaving. i took GREAT comfort in the fact that, even though i don't say much, what is related by others, IS normal, and i am experiencing. another words, i'm not alone. and i'm in the recovery stage, and i'm NORMAL!

    yes, it helps allot.

    if you can find one near you, try it.

    only then can you really see just how destructive the jw cult is, undeniably.

    i wish this had been around when i was trying to leave in 2001.

    better late, than never.


  • borgfree

    Hi Yizuman,

    I have attended the New Ringgold convention every year for the past ten years. I will try to never miss it. There are so many wonderful ex-jws at the conventions, I consider them my family. I also attended the convention in Portland, Or. (just outside Portland) three or four years and Dan Halls convention in California the past two years. I have met a lot of really great people. I highly recommend the conventions

    Our group, in this area, sponsored a support group every month for about five years. We have taken a break for the last two years but intend to start having them again soon, probably about every three months. I think the support groups can be very helpful, especially for ones who have just left or are thinking of leaving.


  • TresHappy

    Joan Cetnar's annual convention in PA is a wonderful way for people who are on their way out to be around people who feel the same way they do or did at one time. Lots of tears shed at this convention but lots of smiles also. The only thing I didn't like was all the tables set up selling literature.

  • waiting

    okie dokie................

    Does anyone know how to find out information about the PA, OR, & CA conventions?

    I get the email about Monthly Meetups - and greatly appreciate the infor. However, it's 5 hrs away, one way. *sigh**************

    A Methodist Church my daughter goes to wants she & I to start an xjw meetup there. Will be talking to the minister in a couple of weeks about it. Perhaps info on cults for his regulars too. Might be interesting, eh?


  • borgfree


    You can get all of the information on Joan Cetnar's convention in Pennsylvania at this site.

    I will try to find the links to CA and OR.


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