Not Exactly "Announcing" Jehovah's Ki...

by BeautifulGarbage 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • BeautifulGarbage

    As I stood at my kitchen window, I could see them walking by the front of my house. Are they going to make that turn and start the small climb up the driveway?

    "GROAN"! Here they come. Two ladies, probably in their late twenties. Appropriately dressed in their "preaching the good news" attire: brown, long, dull, and just slighty shabby.

    I wait for the doorbell to ring. Hmm, it's taking them awhile. It must be that "Pioneer Shuffle" that I have read about on this forum. My drive way isn't THAT long. Still no ring. Then, finally, "bang, bang, bang" on the heavy metal screen door. "Sheesh! you ladies must have a doorbell phobia!". Ok, here I go.

    "Hi! My name is Eve* and this is Mary*, we are out today to talk to people about the bible."

    "Hi" I reply and lean against the doorjam. I'm just going to let them do the talking. I realize that with my minimal JW experience, I don't have the dub knowledge throw doctrinal zingers at them. Besides, they would just give me the usual canned response.

    Blah, Blah Blah ( I insert Blah here because I don't remember exactly what she said, and I was hungry and my lunch was waiting!). Then, she asks me "What does Jesus Christ mean to you"?

    Me: "Uh, nothing much." (Wow! Such eloquence! Such language command! Yet, it IS the truth)

    Mary: "Nothing much? Can I share a scripture with you"

    Me: "Sure, why not?"

    Mary: (reads a scripture about love and jesus).

    Me: (Blank stare)

    Mary: (Pulls out a copy of The Greatest Man That Ever Lived and shows it to me) "Would you be interested in something like this?"

    Me: "No"

    Mary: "Can I give you this little hand out"?

    Me: "Sure"

    She gives it to me and off they shuffle down the driveway.

    So, I gave this encounter some thought today. What I was struck by was that NOT ONCE did they inform me they were Jehovah's Witnesses. And how they use Jesus as the common thread to connect with people. The Mormons do this, also. You know, the "we aren't so weird, we believe in Jesus too!".

    I was also reminded of sale pitches where the salesperson doesn't want to tell me the "price" of the product until he, or she, finishes his, or her whole, speech. The tactic is to get me so excited about the product, and it's features, that I won't be shocked at the price tag. I have walked out of presentations like this because they annoy me to no end. I ALWAYS want to know about the $$ upfront.

    So, these ladies were doing the preaching "work" without informing me of the price. Which is to become a JW. I know you WTS historians have posting about the sales techniques that are used to recruit people, and I got to experience it first hand.

    When my Grandmother went door to door she PROUDLY proclaimed what she was, and who she represented. Granted this was in the late 60's, and perhaps JWs hadn't gotten the bothersome reputation they find themselves saddled with now. Even when my JW schoolmate and I would go out in service we would make clear who we were. How things have changed.

    It really is a publishing corporation, isn't it?


    Edited by - BeautifulGarbage on 3 December 2002 21:38:58

  • gumby

    Announcing WHO they are HAS changed. And it keeps changing.

    We are" bible students" was the popular one. This is so as not to turn people off telling them your dubs.

  • nilfun

    Ah, BG, you just brought back a memory for me. Knocking on doors as a JW kid...householder asks "Who's there?" through the closed front door.

    My response: "Jehovah's Witnesses!" ...."No thanks!" she calls back, through the still-closed door.

    Got counseled by my pardner later that I should NEVER resond to that who-is-it?-from-behind-closed-door query with the JW moniker...that in that kinda situation I should always say "We're your NEIGHBORS", and leave that "Jehovah's Witnesses" stuff out of it....

    "otherwise they'd never open the door"

  • Athanasius

    Hi Beautiful,

    Looks like the JWs haven't really changed that much in 20 years. I remember a CO counseling a JW because he told the householder "we're JWs" before going into his presenation. The CO said we might want to introduce ourselves as JWs if we were working in Mormon territory. The reason, to put the Mormon householder at ease because they might mistake us for Mormon missionaries and try to hide the coffee. So we were told to say we were Bible Students, or Ministers, anything to disguise who we really were. Which was rather silly since everybody knew who we were to begin with.



  • freedom96

    I had a circuit overseer tell the congregation once that we should proudly proclaim that we were witnesses at the door. From that moment on, when they asked who we were, especially through the door, I would loudly say who we were.

    Don't remember anyone answering the door afterwards to talk.

  • nilfun
    Don't remember anyone answering the door afterwards to talk.


  • out4good3

    I thought they'd welcome people not opening the doors after an announcement that they are JW's. That way they can more quickly "shake the dust off their feet" and shuffle on to the next door.

    I was on my way home from running an errand a few days ago and I saw a group of them canvassing my neighborhood. It'd been a long time since I'd seen them out.

    If they were walking any slower they would've been moving backwards.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    It's all about stats. How many books and mags did you sell. Kind of like Publisher's Clearinghouse, except you don't even get the chance to win a million dollars.

  • DannyBear


    ***Me: "Uh, nothing much." (Wow! Such eloquence! Such language command! Yet, it IS the truth)

    Mary: "Nothing much? Can I share a scripture with you"***

    Apparently your 'nothing much' just zinged right over thier heads eh? Another example of how very little they really care for the householder's opinion. The fact that she even made a feeble attempt at a questioning response to your comment, was significant. Yet she continued to give her well rehearsed sermon, just like she does when giving the impromptu talk #3 in the ministry school.

    Jw's truly are trained in the art of absorbing obejtions, or should I say ignoring them.

    Your anology of salesmen being tight with the pricing is a very good one as respects jw methods at the door. They will do everything in thier power to twist, turn, or redirect the conversation towards the ultimate 'sales close'. 'You can read more about a paradise earth here in the pages of the ...........we ask only a 25cent contribution to cover the cost of publication'. No thanks, is not acceptable at this point in the sermon (I mean how many actual sermons does a jw get a chance to deliver), so they (we used to) simply conclude ' would you read them if I just left them, at no charge?'

    Obviously the jw know's that if you don't take them at even on a no charge basis, the mags will continue to dog ear and turn brown in thier book bag..........and everyone knows that they will have to pick up the latest mags at the next service meeting.

    If I would have saved all the publications thrown away in my 30yrs as a jw, I could have helped at least 5 troops of boy scouts, with an entire years supply of 'paper drive'.


    edited to add this ps: I just zoomed in on your new picture, and well aheheemenenheee I have not recovered just yet......damn woman your absolute temptress!

    Edited by - DannyBear on 3 December 2002 22:4:27

  • minimus

    Since they didn't preach the good news of Jehovah's kingdom, they are BLOODGUILTY! They should have given you all the necessary information so that you could attain the "mark" of salvation. If this was your ONLY opportunity to get a real witness, you might now, just have to die, as well as those lazy watchmen.

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