Ever think of going back undercover?

by jws 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    Was watching a new TV show called "Do Over" where a grown man goes back in time and is a high school student again, with all of his adult knowledge. The premise has often come to my mind. What would I have done if I knew then what I know now? We can't time-travel like that. But have any of you ever wondered what it would be like to go back to the JWs undercover?

    Lets say you're living in a new area where no JWs know you. Some JW comes to your door, you play along and progress rapidly, start going to meetings, etc. Since you have no fear of them these days, you can afford to butt heads with them and have a little fun. And since you're "new" and unbaptised (as far as they know), you can probably get away with a lot more than a returning inactive one because you don't know any better and they're still trying to convert you.

    Things that came to my mind were things like at a bookstudy, pointing out stupid comments that people make. Speaking up without being called on. Or arguing every time some stupid doctrine was mentioned, like 1914.

    Asking to go out in Field Service to see what it's like after only a few bible studies. See them squirm and try to tell you no without destroying your enthusiasm.

    Openly and vocally refuse to believe certain things - you might make people ask why you disgree and you can educate them. You'd be surprised. Many people can't concieve a different viewpoint can even exist and are taken aback. But will listen to a newbie, trying to find a flaw.

    Go out in field service and refuse to report time saying something like "God knows how much time I spent" and liken reporting time to the person who prays loudly so as to be seen-and-heard. Tell them your worship is between you and God, not a public record.

    Have fun out in Field Service (and try not to convert anybody). Like go to the door honestly. Tell the householder you're there to convert them to the JWs. Watch your JW training partner's chin drop. Or tell the householder to ignore the 1914 stuff in the magazines.

    Then there were all the games you could play at a KH that was posted a while back. Like guarding empty seats. If people ask if they're being used, tell them you're saving them for "David or Joseph or some of the other ancient worthies" for when they return (ala Beth Sarim).

    I became "apostate" after becoming inactive so I feel like I missed out on having a lot of fun irking them. Probably could have returned and done all this, but with my history of being a JW, I would have gotten DFed pretty fast. And not wanting to lose family still in, I couldn't risk DF.

    Don't know that I'd really do this. Hell, only one boring WT study would probably make me think it wasn't worth the effort. And that's what it is - too much time and effort just for a few thrills. Guess I'll just leave it to my imagination.

    What about those of you who are "apostates" still playing along? Do you play games with them? Still thinking that might be harder to get away with than being a new person who doesn't know any better.

    Edited by - jws on 3 December 2002 18:59:18

  • LuckyLucy

    I already wasted too much time with them,not worth another minute of my time.

  • happyout

    Actually, that sounds like fun. At the very least, on the weekly Bible study I could raise legitimate issues, and see how well the conductor responded. I don't think I could or would keep it up for long, listening to the drivel would get to me pretty soon, but I think for a month or so it would be a hoot.

  • freedom96

    As funny as that would be, time is more valuable than that. But it sure would be funny.

  • bigred

    Mulan here............ran out of posts, so borrowing my husband's ID.

    Or.............go to the door and give the intro the way the Mormons do it: "I'm here to tell you about the organization of Jehovah's witnesses."

    The first time a twosome of Mormon men said that to me, ("we're here to tell you about the Churck of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints") I asked them how many people respond to that introduction. I was pioneering then, and I taught them a few things about getting the person's interest right off, without turning them off. Their jaws dropped. They said it was better, but they had a script and a procedure they had to follow. Whatever!

    Edited by - bigred on 3 December 2002 19:22:7

  • Truth2Me

    I did consider going back as you described......but that was years ago....sometimes I think about getting reinstated and being undercover because I know the truth about the truth.....and at least I'll be a support system for the folks who are hurting and I'd be there to see things change are fall apart.....but it would be such a huge investment in my time and I don't think that I could handle it past the love bombing stage.

    I was kinda like what you suggested when I first came "into the truth." I asked a million questions and I wanted to know everything.....too bad I didn't have the internet then.....it would of been a lot more fun and likely I would not have believed the fantasy world was real to begin with.

  • onacruse

    Reverse-trolling, eh?


    Maybe after I win the lottery.


  • Truth2Me

    I just remember something....

    Apparently some people HAVE gone back undercover, found at the door by an unsuspecting Witness, and that must be why when you get baptised they ask "Has anyone been batised before?"

    When I was changing in the ladies room right before I was baptised a JW a woman came into the bathroom and asked if anyone had been baptised before and I said "Yeah, this is my third time (I was sprinked Catholic and dunked as a Born-Again Christian before meeting JWs)" She asked, panicky "as a Witness?", and I said no of course.

    I wonder what the significance is legally if you go back undercover.

  • Adam

    I've thought about it a million times, just for the sheer personal amusement of stirring the pot and screwing with them. But seeing the idea on a message board got me thinking. If this was done on a nation wide basis, it could seriously screw up the whole house of cards. Think about it, thousands, or even just hundreds of people across the country going back in at once. The logic and truth injected into the JW system would alone turn some fence-sitters (the "spiritually weak" ones) away and plant seeds of doubt in those who were too far in to just quit. The more people that went in and the longer they stayed there, the worse the outbreak of reality would be. Sure some would be found out but that would be good too. All of a sudden, reports would start to trickle in to the higher-ups of an undercover here, then one over there, and then there and there too. The higher the office, the more of the picture they'd see. Then they'd turn around and send down orders into the system to check everyone and trust no one. Even after the last undercover was exposed and kicked out, the paranoia would continue. Extra DFings, DAs increased, more people leaving because of the harshness of the scrutiny, pandamonium. It would be glorious.

  • Athanasius

    Hi Joe,

    I've attended a few JW meetings when traveling out of state. In fact a couple of months ago I attended a KH with a friend and we had a fun time. I dressed conservatively with a flag pin in my lapel and used mainstream religious terms when asking them questions about their meeting. They had no idea that we were both ex-JWs. I am sure that the JWs who talked so long with us were counting time for their effort. It was hard to tell if some of the questions that we asked caused any of them to think. Anyway it was fun.



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