I've touched a NERVE (more email)

by Quotes 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully


    I am a little ashamed about pretending to be "Christian" (I now consider myself happily Athiest) but I figure this is my own form of "spiritual warfare!"

    No need to be ashamed, sweetie!! JWs "pretend to be Christian" too!

    Love, Scully

  • apple829


    It is amazing though that after two email responses, young Ms. Turner still hasn't admitted -- to herself -- that the source of her anger is the author of the words: i.e. The Watchtower.

    When I read her e-mail and your response, my first reaction was a little chuckle. But after reading her final e-mail, it almost made me sad that this young woman will be sucked into the borg, despite her obvious doubts, because of her family and the "loving group of brothers and sisters."


  • Mulan

    This was so great. I read the whole thread today, for the first time.

    You are SERIOUSLY putting this little gal on "tilt".

  • NameWithheld

    LOL. Awesome, simply awesome Quotes.

    She might be popping a circut breaker right about now ...

  • PurpleV
    Again, we are perplexed here. We here at quotes have never said anything like this. We have never said anything, as a matter of fact


    Amazing. How many times did you tell her you didn't say anything? This is like the line of the year, for me.

    You have an amazing talent for being funny and dead-on at the same time. That teen will probably get baptized, but the seed you planted will sprout like Jack's Beanstalk when it dawns on her that she chose her own prison cell.

  • JT
    Amazing. How many times did you tell her you didn't say anything? This is like the line of the year, for me.

    i agree it is so amazing to actually watch the indoctrination power of a high control group literally take over a person's ablitity to think and reason,

    this is why so many of us constantly tell folks to be very carefully when dealing with family and friends, by dropping a ton of wt quotes on thier doorstep and then act surprise when they get angry

    you have provided any lurker or person about to BLAST their family or loved one with wt material the inside look at the mind of a jw at work in trying to defend the wt

    yuu repeatedly stated WE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING and as if she was literally blind she can't see it

    and this is just a testimony of the power of High 'control groups like wt

    thanks for the site and the comments of the poster quoter above

  • plmkrzy

    Hi Quotes.

    I thought the way you responded to "Teena" and others was excellent. Show's class. Good job.

    I didn't like what that one dude said though.

    " Goodness me you people don't even believe the Lord's Prayer, its written there as plain as day for you to read in the NT. That prayer is so universal I don't know why you find it repulsive.

    Did he draw that conclusion from something he read from your WT quotes? Or was he just assssuming on his own? As in 'usual'.


  • Quotes

    Thanks everybody for the kind words. I'm glad to know that you all could sense the (behind the scenes) humour in my replies. At the same time, I think I pretty much stated the facts too. Glad you know my work is appreciated!

    No, I don't think Ms. Turner will stop going to meetings tomorrow, but maybe, just maybe, the next time she is at an assembly, and the speaker holds up the latest spiritual garbage book and asks the crowd, while motioning to the book, if "they are thankful for this spiritual food that Jehovah has provided", she will think back to HER OWN words, to wit: "all these contradictions by humans and mistakes made by humans" Maybe she will realize that this is just a book by those same mistaken humans, not spiritual food from God. Maybe, just maybe, she will look around at her fellow JWs as they fall off their seats clapping in thanks for the spiritual food, and inside her head she will say "hey, relax people, this is just a book; they have made mistakes before, they could be making mistakes now. Don't treat it like it is God's word!"

    Then again, it may never happen. When I was fading, I discussed with a close friend how (among other things) I didn't like the way the "imperfect humans" (which is how he defended the record of the WT) were claiming to be God's Channel, and were making a pretty haughty claim by saying their publications were "spiritual food from Jehovah".

    Of course, he DENIED that they EVER said that.

    So.... at the next 2-day assembly, I sat next to him, and intentionally nudged him and gave him a knowing nod everytime they made one of these claims.

    Of course, he got tired of me nudging him. He got the message, but he couldn't deal with it (I had completely destroyed his "imperfect humans" defense). He is a very smart guy, computer programmer (never went to college, though) and all he could say was that I was "misinterpreting" what was being said -- but he didn't (or couldn't) offer any different interpretation.

    Not too much later he turned me in for "apostasy". *SIGH*

    "You can lead a 'dub to logic, but you can't make 'em THINK"

  • Quotes

    plmkrzy, good question. I got the feeling that this "Anglican Christian" was looking for a fight and having found my site, assumed I was WTBTS and sent an angry venting email without actually reading very much at the site.

    I don't think I have anything about the Lords Prayer (this site is growing too big ) so he must have carried that knowledge from his past experience.

    I've got to say that is was difficult for me to end that letter to the Anglican without saying ".... ASS!!!!". But it is better to get him working for us, so I try to keep it on-the-level and matter-of-fact (with a little implied tongue-in-cheek mocking about his seeming lack of Christian values & love).

  • plmkrzy
    . I got the feeling that this "Anglican Christian" was looking for a fight and having found my site, assumed I was WTBTS and sent an angry venting email without actually reading very much at the site.

    You're probably right about that. It makes more sense.

    Thanks for responding, I was checking just incase I really missed something.LOL

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