I've touched a NERVE (more email)

by Quotes 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocky220

    Quotes, you Rock!!! rocky220

  • Pleasuredome


    what a fantastic read!!!......you have/are doing a great job. i've used your site many times for research, and i certainly couldnt have done it with the help of the WTS. your replies must certainly either move these people to either anger or shame, well done!

  • Trauma_Hound

    Oh my god, I was laughing my a** off! Keep up the fine work there quotes! :)

  • Pathofthorns
    "right now you guys are committing the ultimate sin. Sinning against the "holy spirit"." -- We have to say that this sounds very judgemental. I thought the latest understanding from the Society was that the Sheep/Goat judging work was not to start until after the Great Tribulation started. Are you jumping the gun here?

    "You will feel his wrath when it is all over." -- Again, this sounds rather hateful, and not in keeping with Jesus commands to "love your enemies". Perhaps we have misunderstood what you mean here, but as a fellow Christian, I can't feel the love.

    Again, thanks for writing, and we hope we have corrected your misunderstandings regarding Quotes.JehovahsWitnesses.com.

    You are f@#$ed up!!!.. haha PRICELESS!



    Hey Quotes,your last E-mail to Tina was good.You got me chuckling...OUTLAW

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ
    BTW, Jesus Christ, why is there so much suffering in the world? (sorry, I couldn't resist).

    Idiots who feel the need to push their small and petty versions of dad and I off on other people. Other than that, well, dad and I are pretty ineffective aren't we?

  • Quotes

    I suspected that I was dealing with a teenage girl (don't ask me why, I just read between the lines). It looks like I was correct. Ms Turner actuall sent me another letter. This may be a record, since normally they only send the first naste letter then cower and don't respond to my sincere requests for more information/better understanding.

    Oh well, at least I have calmed her to the point where she says "thanks" at the close of the email. Here it is:

    You are looking at quotes that were in 1900 lol. Anywayz, I know you want to know my status and my status is i'm not a Jehovah's witness yet. I am studying and am planning for baptism. My mom is one and so is my brother. I attend the Kingdom Hall regurlarly. My mom has been a witness since I was 12. And its sooo funny cause all the things you guys say how they treat you this and that, is soo untrue I couldn't have asked for a better loving group of brothers and sisters in the world. I just don't see why an individual and/or individuals wants to tear down Jehovah's organization. So much hate, so much hate. This is what Jehovah means with people being haughty and wanting to run everything and be heard. Power tripping. Like Satan did. May the Great Almighty Jehovah give you a chance to repent and turn your lives around. As for me, determined I shall be to walk in my integrity!!! Don't email me no more!!! Thanks

    And here, as usualy, is my response:

    Dear TEENA TURNER [email address removed] Thank you once again for writing to us. Of course, we will never send you any unsolicited email. However, we feel it is important to respond to your most recent email to us, since it appears you still have a gross misunderstanding of us and our work at Quotes.JehovahsWitnesses.com.
    1. " You are looking at quotes that were in 1900 " -- Yes, we do have *A FEW* very old Watchtower quotes. We also have many very recent quotes. If by this remark you are characterizing our entire site as having only one-hundred year old quotes, your are very wrong. Furthermore, as stated clearly in the Frequently Asked Questions page, the age of the quotes is unimportant, since we are only concerned with the accuracy of the quotes when we collect them together, the age of the quotes is unimportant. As a side note, we know that the Watchtower Society themselves frequently use very old quotes from other religions when describing those other religions. It is no different that our work here. Finally, we also have some very new quotes, even from this year. Use the search function to search for "2002" or "2001" or "2000" to find them quickly.
    2. " I know you want to know my status..... " -- Thanks for sharing, but we never asked for your "status" since we make our collection of Watchtower quotes available to all people around the world, without concern for their "status".
    3. " And its sooo funny cause all the things you guys say how they treat you this and that " -- Again, we are perplexed here. We here at quotes have never said anything like this. We have never said anything, as a matter of fact. Think of us as librarians or perhaps collectors. Our web site does not contain any of our words, rather it contains only Watchtower quotes. Please -- PLEASE -- this is not the first time you have incorrectly referred to what "we said". Perhaps you are confusing us with someone else?
    4. " I couldn't have asked for a better loving group of brothers and sisters in the world " -- We are very happy that you are happy. As members of our small quotes collection team have travelled the world, we have found very nice and loving people in many, many different countries and religions. On the whole, our experience has been that people are either "nice" or "not nice" as people, and their religion often has little to do with it. On the other hand, we have found people who were lacking Christian love in many, many religions, including, unfortunately, some in Jehovah's Witnesses. Again, we are pleased that you are with a group of caring, loving people who are concerned for your health and happiness, for that is truly a blessing.
    5. " I just don't see why an individual and/or individuals wants to tear down Jehovah's organization. " -- We really have no comment here, except to say that we want to make sure that you understand that we have never said that. Simply collecting quotes from the Watchtower sounds like what all Witnesses do as they build up their library. We do not make any negative statements, since we do not make any statements. As we stated in point three (above) you still seem fixated on chastising us for statements we did not make. Why are you doing this?
    6. " This is what Jehovah means with people being haughty and wanting to run everything and be heard " -- If you are saying that it is haughty for any mere human, or group of humans, to claim Divine Superiority over the rest of humanity, we agree with you. If, on the other hand, you are suggesting that this is what we are doing, again, we challenge you to reconsider this and prove, using only our web page, that this is what we are doing. If you perform this exercise you will find that we only have Watchtower Society quotes, and nothing else.
    7. " Power tripping. Like Satan did. " -- We fail to see how collecting quotes from the Watchtower is "power tripping". Power tripping, as we understand it, would be when someone attempts to seize authority which does not rightly belong to them, and then abuses that inappropriately gained authority. A very bad thing indeed. We would never be bold as to do that. Again, if you can prove us wrong, please contact us, as we do not want to do that and would make suitable corrections immediately.
    8. " May the Great Almighty Jehovah give you a chance to repent and turn your lives around. " -- Again, we don't understand what you mean here. Are you suggesting that we should cease and desist from collecting the words published by the Watchtower Society? That does not make sense, since Jehovah's Witnesses go around giving their material for free (at least, it is free in some countries) to the general public. Your words here would suggest that this publishing work should stop, which I don't think is what you meant to say. As for turning our lives around, again we are distressed that you are being judgemental without having even met us or taken the time to know what type of life we are living. But, as Jesus Christ instructs us, we will "turn the other cheek" and "forgive you Seventy-Seven times" despite you very mean words to us, and despite our warm Christian replies to you.
    9. " As for me, determined I shall be to walk in my integrity " -- That is wonderful. We give you every encouragement to do this, and remember that integrity -- to God and to yourself --is the most important thing in your life. Those are very sweet words.
    Thanks again, young sister. If you have any more questions, or you still think "we are saying something" (despite a complete lack of us saying anything on our website) please let us know. We are happy to help. With sincere agape love,
    [email protected]
  • Scully


    You never cease to amaze me with your responses to the e-mail you receive. Thanks for the laugh, I really needed it today (long story).

    It's hilarious the way these folks will read WATCHTOWER QUOTES and then suddenly the "Independent Thinking" switch gets flipped on in their brains... and they see the contradictions staring them right in the face... and then they have the audacity to try to chastise YOU for their "sin against the WTS". *LOL*

    Love, Scully

  • Trauma_Hound

    LOL, I think you short they're brains out, and cause them to go into a logic loop.

  • Quotes

    Scully, thanks. Glad to help. If you could only see the devilish grin on my face when I write these . I am a little ashamed about pretending to be "Christian" (I now consider myself happily Athiest) but I figure this is my own form of "spiritual warfare!" Besides, I consider people on this board as part of my extended quotes team (since I use so much stuff that other post here), so when I use the "Victorian we" it does include some people here at JWD who are Christians. Having said that, I do believe in "do unto others" and "forgiveness" and all that, so I suppose in that sense I am an "Athiest with Christian values."

    Trauma_Hound, that seems to be what is happening, and I push them right into that "non-sequitor" as hard as possible. It is amazing though that after two email responses, young Ms. Turner still hasn't admitted -- to herself -- that the source of her anger is the author of the words: i.e. The Watchtower. That is why I get quite repetitive (remember "repetition for emphasis" in the TMS? ) because sooner or later they will make the mental leap and realize that yes, the Society's own words make them look ridiculous and destroys any credibility and claims of Divine Authority.

    Oh well, at least I have "planted a seed". I know that for me, if this type of "seed" were "planted" when I was a teenager, I would likely have never got baptized; or at the very least, left much sooner than I did. "I just want to give people the facts that I never had, is that so wrong?"

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