My two year anniversary

by larc 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    Well, it is 32 minutes into my second year of posting here. When I came here, I knew nothing of H2O, Kent's place or FreeMinds site, though I did get his newsletter. When I came here, I certainly did know the JW experience. However, there were several things I learned. I learned that some people had anxiety attacks at the Kingdom Hall. I learned about pedophelia in the congregation. I learned that about the UN scandal. I learned that college is sanctioned in the magazines, but not in the local congregation, nor in the convention talks. I learned about the elder system and how incompetent they are. (I left before the elder arrangement began, that's how old I am.) I learned about the writings of people not in print, like AlanF, Farkel, Norm, and Amazing. I also learned about the intense conflict that can occur between those who left but have very different ideas about life. (No, we do not have a common goal.) This past two years have been quite a trip for me. I have created a few enemies, but I have made many more friends. For that I am very thankful.

    Merry Christmas to you all!

  • myself

    Happy Anniversary Larc!!! & Merry Christmas!

  • rem

    I, for one, have certainly benefited from your participation here. Happy anniversary, larc!


  • Joyzabel

    Happy Aniiversary....old wise one!

    Your humor and view on life is very appreciated from someone just begining the journey from security to freedom.



    Edited by - joy2bfree on 2 December 2002 0:54:7

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I have been here a year and frankly i reckon to survive two years here you must be stubborn as a mule and have balls of Iron.

    I salute you grand old man of the board.

  • Prisca

    to survive two years here you must be stubborn as a mule and have balls of Iron.

    Hey, I resemble that remark!! Ok, I don't have any balls, but I'm pretty stubborn.

    Well, my dear birthday buddy, we almost share another birthday, as I joined this site 2 weeks after you. It's certainly changed, eh? We've seen conflicts, resolutions, headline news, romances, and even a future wedding!

    Congratulations on sticking around for so long. And thanks for your friendship and support - it has meant more to me than you'll ever know.


  • WildHorses

    Happy Anniversary Larc,

    I'm glad to be able to call you friend.

  • Athanasius

    Happy anniversary, Larc. Appreciate you posts, keep up the good work.



  • bikerchic

    Happy Anniversary Larc! And a very merry Christmas to you and yours from me and onacruse.

    Katie and Craig

  • ugg

    FFF U THE DUDE!!!!!!!


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