The Night the Elders called me.

by NaruNaruChan 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SPAZnik

    Welcome NaruNaruChan

    Funny how they accept you with open arms until you decide that you disagreee with something.

    Yeah, hilarious.

    although they don't worship a single man, they worship an organization... they DEIFY the damned organization, and that's what makes it a cult.

    Excellent point.

    I left because I was in love

    Me too. Or perhaps, more accurately, cuz I finally fell out of love, with the JW God.


    Welcome 2 u 2 mattnoel.


  • jurs

    Welcome !!!!

    Enjoy your new life out of the org !!!! FREEDOM


  • JT


    I'm kinda surprised that the elders treated you that way, and would actually have the audacity to tell you that Jehovah wouldn't listen to your prayers

    there is a reason they treated him that way, and the spokesman for the wt tells us why-

    Paducah Sun 1-28-01

    Mario Moreno, associate general counsel at the church's New York headquarters,.

    J.R. Brown, public affairs director for the church,

    Both Brown and Moreno said that the elders, who volunteer and are essentially untrained clergy

    need i say more - smile

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Welcome Naru:

    I am glad that I got to read your post. In this place you will find lots of friends that share your confusion, anger, and pain. I'm sorry that you had such a bad time with the elders calling you names, but please know that they are very misguided and, like you, they were/are brainwashed. One day soon, perhaps, they too will see the error of their choices. I am just glad you are with us. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friends.. that can really hurt. I will finally be happy when people can *all* put aside their differences and realize we are all just human and we have emotions in common. Thanks for sharing your story with us... and if you want I can be emailed at:

    [email protected]

    Love ya

    country girl

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Yay MATTNOEL....... I would love to see your story posted on a thread of it's own. That way I can respond without ignoring this subject. I am soooooo glad to have you back in my life. What a coincedence huh? After all this time. And I'm so proud of your accomplishments. I can't wait till my visit this summer. And like we said before..... "Fuck the screwed up people."

  • mattnoel

    YAY to you too Chevy,

    I have not been on line for AGES so have not yet replied to your message. Believe me you will not believe how happy I am to have you back too ! its so cool. Dean ofter asks after you. Thanks for the e mail the other day will e mail you back in the week. Been so busy with the new job have not had time to stop.

    Love ya loads Daaaaarrrlinnnn and yeah lets fuck em all !!

    I revel in the day when those wankers call at my door with the watchtower and awake, I will take them and then stand out on the drive in front of them so they cant get past me and burn those false magazines !!!!!

  • Preston

    Hi Naru,

    I also left when I was 21 (after I came out), because I felt comfortable being with a religion that villanized gay people, which is exactly what you went through. I was going to college at the time, and decided to take a legalistic approach. I did tell the body of elders that I was gay but when they asked me all the all-too-personal questions they asked me I told them to bugger off. They didn't know me, they wouldn't go up to a complete stranger on the street and ask them the questions they ask you. I took it for the bizzare play that it was and left without giving two whits what they thought about me.

    Glad I'm out.

    Glad you're out.

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