I'm so excited!!!

by Vee 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    I'm glad you have found something that makes you happy. I hope it works out for good. Let's us know what you think of the African culture. I haven't seen anything that came from Africa that is good except for the people. They have to put up with all those diseases, and they are now making their way over here in the US. Things like aids, ebola, nile disease, etc. You will probably be in a somewhat protected environment, at least from the machetes I hope.

    Ken P.

  • freedom96

    I am happy for you! I respect those who go the extra mile to accomplish anything productive that most people just won't do.

    Look forward to hearing how it goes when you get back.

  • xenawarrior

    YAY Vee!!!!!

    What a great opportunity for you!! I admire your desire to do this and to give of yourself in such a way!!!! It will be a trip that you will never forget. Be sure to take lots of pictures to share with us!!!


  • more2C

    Congratulations VEE!!!

    Sounds really exciting! You have a lot of courage to undertake something like this. I wish you only the best. You will helping others and will be a great self booster, too. Keep my thoughts and prayers for you safe and healthy time down there.


  • joannadandy

    You have every right to be excited! This sounds like an opportunity of a lifetime! So exciting and rewarding at the same time, you should be so proud of yourself! Good luck to you! Keep a journal! Keep us posted!

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Vee, I admire people with action. With your attitude, you will succeed.

    Guest 77

  • Surreptitious

    Vee, what a super thing to do!!! How exciting!!!

    Just don't drink the water!

    - Syrup

  • Mum

    Good for you, V!

    It takes a special kind of person to take on such a challenge. All the best. I admire and envy you.



  • Mary

    Doesn't James 1:27 say: "The form of worship that is CLEAN and UNDEFILED from the standpoint of God is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world." Funny it doesn't mention one word about how knocking on peoples doors Saturday morning, trying to convert them is considered either "clean" or "undefiled" by God, eh?

    Vee, you're doing a wonderful work; something far more important than try to place the latest copies of the W&A. This is probably (secretly) making your family feel ill-at-ease though. Because every Witness knows full well that true Christians should be doing charity work and they don't. The very fact that you've left the Borg and haven't "returned to [your] vomit" pisses off most Witnesses, because they automatically assume that everyone who leaves will go right down the sewer.

    I wish you all the best in your endeavor and I'm sure you'll find helping people far more rewarding that preaching doom and gloom at them.

  • Robdar


    I am excited and happy for you. Congrats!



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