Watch your weight

by JH 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    If you E-mail me your height. & maximum weight at 20,30,40,50 I can describe your personality. You must be at least 40 for this method to work.

  • SixofNine

    taking into account Wild Turkey's weight, plus my own "gut" instinct on healthy weights for humans, I thought that chart posted seemed more than a little on the low side, top to bottom.

    With that in mind, take a look at the sponser of the chart, lol. Yes,, lol

  • Scully


    Ok Scully now you have seen me in person and we won't be divulge my beauty will you now??

    I won't tell if you won't tell!! Besides, it goes against my nurse's training!! Secrets go to the grave with me.... They stay in the VAULT.


    I bet you had NO IDEA that this topic would get so heated, did you?? *LOL* By the way, why did you take out that article you had in there originally?? It was good.... and by taking it out, some folks might get the idea that you're trying to "bash" people who are struggling with their weight.

    Love, Scully

  • Mary

    During the Reinessance, women who were overweight (aka, voluptous) were highly desirable................I figure if that's the case, I would have been a goddess.

  • Prisca

    Poor JH... at the age of 40 you should know better than to bring up the subject of weight when there's women within listening range!

    I am one of those people who gains weight simply by looking at it. Several years ago I put myself on a diet and lost about 20lb and kept it off - but after a couple of years the weight slowly crept back on again. I tend to yo-yo with my weight.

    Naturally I'm jealous of those who have the metabolism that allows them to eat anything they like and not gain weight. But it's all about self-acceptance, and being able to accept what you look like, fat or skinny.

    As for personal preferences, I can't really say I have any. I'm mature enough to know that the person inside is what is most important, and looks come second if I really like the person.

  • gumby

    Skinny people is what our culture has come to accept as proper.

    Look at women in the 50's.....plump.......and men liked it. Women in other countries aren't skin and bones.....their plump too.....and healthy.....and men like them.

    There are as many plump girls with guys as skinny ones.......cuz their is more plump girls than skinny ones

  • shera

    I'm still loosing weight after I had my daughter.....I put on A LOT of weight.I'm just about there...10 more pounds and I'll be at my goal ,a size 7/8.whoo hoo!I'm a person who lets "MY" weight bother me,but I have been convincing myself...not to let it bother me anymore.My hubby tells me not to loose too much because he won't have a bum to squeeze.. I usally donot weigh myself,I measure(sp) myself.I excerise and use weights,and the weights can make me seem overweight.When I was a size 7,I weighed 150 pounds and I'm 5'6.If your a healthy size for your height I wouldn't worry about weight.I hate scales..I stay away form em...

  • scootergirl

    This girl was built for comfort, not speed!

  • SYN

    I cycle a few kilometers to work everyday. It's amazing how much crap that burns off from the night before

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