Je Hoovahs are studying with me!

by refiners fire 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    The problem is that even in a city the size of Melbourne, its amazing, there must be, what....25 congregations? Just a guess, yet even when I moved 30 miles away from where I grew up there were still dubs coming to my door knocking on the "work" and when I opened the door and they saw me, they knew me. Its a small world in Dub world. Everyone knows everyone.

  • hippikon

    When you get into the false prophet thing more can I come to the stoning

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    "can I come to the stoning"

    I'll call my brother, he knows where to get the good stuff.

  • hippikon


    No no no I don't smoke it no more - I'm tired o waking up om the floor

  • refiner

    I dont use it either. Unless there are 6 guys standing by with a straight jacket. And a rubber room.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Oh one more thing....

    The talkative dub told me that Yes, he had, himself left the truth at one stage..spent some time outside in the world.... gone out with some worldly girls.

    But he went back to the busom of the mother org after a couple of years because "There was nothing out there".

    Nothing out there !?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    My little dub came back again this morning.

    He comes alone as Ive said before. Anyway. He continually aims to direct things into the study of a book with pre arranged questions and answers.Now this is something I am most reluctant to do as Ive explained to him, because preorganized studies can have a semblance of logic and "open examination" while actually the information presented is carefully screened and controlled by the cult.

    Myself, Ive been insistent, so far, on comparing Bible versions, and reading scriptures in context. Weve traversed Matthew 24, the "blood issue", Whether the "World wide preaching work" is REALLY "worldwide". Etc. Anyway, weve decided, between us, (cause hes actually pretty open minded) to study a particular subject and focus upon that only.He reckons he has the truth and the truth will sdtand any scrutiny. Ive told him that if his church has a consistent interpretation of the book of Revelation, Well, that would be pretty impressive.So, hes bringing a book that he claims interpretes Revelation verse by verse and we are going to look at the "7 trumpets" and its fullfillment. Verse by verse.

    Might be interesting.

  • Satanus

    interpretes Revelation verse by verse and we are going to look at the "7 trumpets" and its fullfillment

    No doubt he would find it highly interesting to compare those enterpretations to rutherford's divinely inspired enterpretations of the 7 trumpets in the finished mystery book. I believe it is on the net somewhere.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    We have these little problems we keep encountering. He was showing me Revelation 7 verse 4 and 9 demonstrating the existence of a literal 144000, and a "great crowd'.

    Of course, I wanted to know why verses 5 thru 8 were not LITERAL, if the others were. We have a lot of niggly problems like that in our chats. Anyway, at least he is now giving me the "meat" of the Watchtower magazine. He left me a number of issues (after I asked for them) so reading those will amuse me for the weekend.

  • Satanus

    Heh heh. Sounds like he will be dying the spiritual death of a thousand cuts.


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