Je Hoovahs are studying with me!

by refiners fire 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    May God have mercy on them. Because I wont.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 29 November 2002 19:13:7

  • heathen

    LOL , Keep us informed of when they demonize you .

  • JH

    Good, what are you teaching them...

  • ballistic

    Refiners, you're not serious... right?

  • Celia

    Refiners, you mean YOU started a "Bible" study with some JWs, or some JWs want to learn the truth about The Troof with your help ?

    edited, to add smilies....

    Edited by - Celia on 30 November 2002 6:30:47

  • Shakita

    Assuming they don't know anything about you, insist on saying the opening and closing prayer at the study.

    God is great

    God is good

    Thank you God

    For all this Fuud!

    Opps, wrong prayer. I'm sure you will think of something. Have Fun!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • ballistic

    Come on celia put a smiley on the end of that last post, just for the hell of it!!!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Sorry about that. I posted the first post early by accident.

    Anyway. Its a door step study. ( cant let them in because they might see my Apostate books!)

    I told them it must always be them who come, theyre not allowed to introduce anyone new into the study ( because they might roll up with someone whio KNOWS me!)

    And I WONT study from BOOKS. Only the Bible. Weve just spent the past two hours on the doorstep. Weve looked at Matthew 24 extensively. They think that they are the true religion because of verse 14, but I pointed out from scripture that Matthew 24 continually mentions FALSE PROPHECY. Then we discussed false prophecy, and what False prophecy consisted of. We didnt even montion Dub history, it was all from a Mormon perspective.

    Next time we are going to talk about the blood issue. They think its an identifying hallmark of the true church. I told them to do their homework and not to come unprepared!

  • VeniceIT

    Bwhahahah I pitty the jw that calls on me

  • Buster

    I wager 20 quatloos that they won't be back

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