I am new.

by Utopian_Raindrops 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77


    Trust your instincts, your in the best position to know what YOU what out of life.

    Guest 77

  • ring

    hi there

    welcome to JWD

  • BluesBrother

    Welcome to the community! I am sorry that are feeling low after the events, but we are very glad to have you with us

    I must echo the thoughts of Francois and others but you must make up your own mind .

    Please use this time as a wonderful opportunity to re evaluate the "Truth". Think objectively about your beliefs. Test them against reason and logic ,using all the info you gain from all the sites. Pretend that you are starting new with no preconceived "Truths" - now does it all still appeal to you as it once did?

    They like to use the example of those Borea (Acts 17;11) who accepted the message but only after they had "Carefully examined the scriptures daily " not in a trusting way but "As to whether these things were so"

    So put it all all to the test. As Ray Franz said "Let the Scriptures speak for themselves" If it is the truth , it will stand up to scrutiny.

    Stay around the board and your comments are welcome.

  • freedom96

    Welcome to the board. I would encourage you to be open minded, read, and learn what is talked about here. Some of it is just good ole fun, other topics are a bit more deep, but all in all I think one could learn a lot from here.

  • Shakita

    Welcome to the board!

    This is a great place. Hope you come back and add your "2 cents".

    You said "Besides everyone has the right to worship as they please." You are right. But, no one has the right to hurt others as they please. I am afraid that the WTBS does just that to its members. Our family found that out first hand. Take care.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • out4good3
    I know everyone will sigh and want to kick me in the seat of my pants for saying this next thing....but, I realy feel there is no place else to go.

    I don't think anyone will sigh or kick you in the pants for saying that....the simple reason is that we've heard it all before. This is typical of what the borg wants you to think when you're df'd or no longer following the party line. They want you to believe that there is no "place" else to go. What easier way to exert control over you in absentia and further paint themselves as a mediator between you and the creator.

    The more appropriate question is not "what place" you should be going, but "to whom". There's a couple of key scriptures that come to mine. One says something to the effect of don't put your trust in earthly man to whom salvation doesn't belong, and the other says that nobody goes to the father except through me.

    Don't make the mistake some here have done of spending half your life relying on the WT for salvation. They can neither give it to you or lead you to it.

  • Mr Spock
    Mr Spock

    What you are feeling is probably guilt. This is exactly what they want. Remember "BY THEIR LOVE YOU WILL KNOW THEM" .... I always thought they were more into control than love.. No one is perfect and Christ said forgive up to 77 times. The witnesses do not do this. Live long and Prosper! Spock

  • willdabeerman

    yo,yo,yo u r.....this is an awesome site i hope u enjoy.its cool as hell to find so many people that actually have a clue what u as an ex-jw is going thru.hope to see ya round.. btw if u need a beer i got ur hook up..... but for real. welcome

  • Sentinel

    Hi Sweetie, (((HUGS)))

    Welcome here. I can truly say I know exactly how crushed you must feel right now. I too, felt the wrath of the judicial committee when I was 21. Although I had doubts, I was not mentally or physically strong enough to think I could "live" without them, so I went back. That was a mistake.

    You have come to this site for a reason, so please stay and read the many experiences of those of us who were filled with so much guilt and grief, and depression, only to come to realize that by being on the "outside", gave us the opportunity to see this WTBTS for what it truly is.

    It will be your decision whether or not you return. You will need to build a new foundation of self worth and courage, and you may not find any support from other active JW's who abandon you--even family. This will be a most difficult time. Also, this could be one of the turning points in your life that will help you to become the person you are meant to be. Free to read and study other information besides the books and magazines published by a religion that is extremely narrow minded and judgmentary.

    Be good to yourself and do good things for yourself. Reach out to others who are here to help you, and you will be alright! Life's experiences are sometimes very painful, and yet, they teach us the things we need to know, if we just know how to allow that to happen.

    Love and Light

  • Brummie

    Welcome Utopian_Raindrops, very nice to meet you.

    Keep reading and posting, looking forward to getting to know you.


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