I am new.

by Utopian_Raindrops 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Ok everyone...I am new.

    I don't know what to say....just hello.

    I am a disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witness...which maybe one day I will get in detail about....but right now it's still too painful.

    Besides if I talk about it I feel like i am talking bad about people or hindering Jehovah's Spirit with others. I realy try to shy away from speaking badly of people...even if they hurt me.

    What I believe in my heart is no one can truely hurt you if your standing with The Creator is good in HIS eyes.They in reality hurt only themselves,because they hinder thier relationship with Our Maker.

    I do not like to talk bad about any religious group realy because, I think what if Jehovah some how aproved of them and then I am introuble! Besides everyone has the right to Worship as they please. This I know is a God given right as I had been to many Faiths before becoming a JW. Jehovah and Jesus are so loving they don't force you to be with them but instead let you find your own way....then you relize they were right in frount of you all along!

    I can't remember where the scripture is but it is about the Apostles and the advice was to let them go....and if they were from God then you know....but if they weren't then it would end...thier preaching and basically God would take care of them.

    I feel Jesus could say the things he did of Religious leaders because,well.....he IS th SON of GOD and these people claimed to represent HIS Dad. I don't have that kind of credential....hehehe....so I choose to stay out of those kinds of conversations about Religion.

    I think all Religious leaders in every Faith just about have alot to answer for to the One they claim to represent.the scriptures hold them to a high standard and I would not want to be in thier shoes!

    I am working towards reinstatement and i hope that doesn't bother anyone too much.

    I know everyone will sigh and want to kick me in the seat of my pants for saying this next thing....but, I realy feel there is no place else to go.

    I can not get out of my mind or heart all the spiritual food I took in as a Jehovah's Witness.

    I so love Jehovah very much and could never leave Him or His Son Christ Jesus....no matter what other people may have done to me.

    I think in thier own way many here feel the same. Why else make an Ex-JW Site and Forum. Why else look to congregate with others who once were in the same Organization....who lead the same lives...once had the same goals.

    Many who were in so called cults do not have such a huge following of Former members band together.Something seems to bond everyone in this Forum together...like a people...and outside the net...there are little sub-groups of JW's.Who were dissed or raised in...etc...who always seem to band together.Many show up for Memorial every year.

    It seems to me something draws everyone together...some invisible strand.....it's a kind of love and efinity they seem to have for one another.....hmmmm...I did go on and on....seems I did know what to say.

    I have been coming here for sometime now and reading different threads. everyone is very nice and seem to truely care about each other.

    bye bye 4 now!!


    Utopian Raindrops

  • SpannerintheWorks


    Great to have you here!

    BTW, I like the originality of your posting name!


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    May I welcome you here and feel free to post and contribute as much as possible. Sounds like you are well on the way to spiritual recovery.


  • twinkletoes

    Hello Utopian, and welcome to this forum. People here are very nice as you seem to have discerned. We look forward to hearing from you again.

    I have been a JW for over thirty years, but it has taken about one year for me to really accept that the teachings of the Organisation are not in line with the scriptures. Failed prophecies being just one of the points.

    I would urge you to read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, (you can buy it from Amazon or any good bookseller) it really is an eyeopener. Ray writes without any bitterness, but with genuine concern for others.

    My husband (Kaytee) and I have spent 4 hours, on one occasion alone, with the local elders, discussing our concerns about the things that are going on within the Organisation, but that meeting was 7 weeks ago and they still haven't contacted us since then. If they truly are concerned about their flock you would expect a quicker response than that. (We are not disfellowshipped nor disassociated)


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Welcome U.R....

    I enjoyed your post. I've never been a JW, just have a good friend who is one and came to this board to try and figure them out. There's a lot of great people here. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. Somethings in your post I agree with and others I don't, but that's normal for people, at least we can have a discourse. One thing I agree with you on:

    What I believe in my heart is no one can truely hurt you if your standing with The Creator is good in HIS eyes

    My J.W. friend was a member of a large denomination before discovering JWs. They stated reading the bible (which they never did previously) but didn't understand it. When approached by the JWs, they felt there were now answers to questions. I asked this person "What if in your search of the Bible some other bible based faith had approached you, you would have had their answers, been fed their spirtual, etc. Wouldn't you have felt that they were the "truth" since they were answering your questions out of the Bible". My friend really thought about this, had no answer, then felt guilty about discussing anything outside of the JWs, so closed themselves off for a couple of weeks (schesssch). I'll leave the JW discussions with others on this board who have been members...just keep an open mind and listen to what they have to say.

    A loving Father in Heaven gave you your intelligence so you can figure things out. He doesn't criticize or condemn, just wants us to seek the REAL treasures in life ... I figure the real gospel is fairly simple ... love and help one another, and paraphrasing a scripture "on that hangs all of the laws and the prophets".


    Edited by - Double Edge on 29 November 2002 14:21:13


    Welcome Utopian_Raindrops,

    Just adding my pennies-worth to my wife's (Twink). I understand how you are feeling, if it's possible to stand sideways and contemplate all that you have gone through, you may be able to come out a better person certainly, and not be biased with the feelings of guilt that has been ingrained in you for whatever period you have been in the Organisation. Having arrived there myself, after thirty years, I viewed it as 2 Peter 2:22

    ....the dog returning to it's own vomit...

    When you find out for yourself, what the organisation have been doing and what they have got involved in, you may feel as I do, that Jehovah is not backing them anyway.

    Remember John 14:6 .. Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life, nobody comes to the Father except through me", (not via men)


  • Francois

    Well UR, you said, "I think in thier own way many here feel the same. Why else make an Ex-JW Site and Forum. Why else look to congregate with others who once were in the same Organization....who lead the same lives...once had the same goals."

    Why else indeed. Think about that. We get together here mainly to help people get over the pain of getting out; with the incomprehensibility of the fact that we ever allowed ourselves to be suckered into such a transparent cult; to help others who have doubts get out; to help people who have loved ones still in the cult to get out; to aid people who have loved ones who are studying with JWs help to change their minds. In short, there are plenty of reasons for us to get together here than the one you suggest. I fear you are pumping sunshine up your own shorts with that one.

    We suffer few delusions here. Our appreciation of the real nature of JWs, we feel, is complete. Few here, if any, care to go back to that vomit (with due respect to you, sir).

    I haven't read all your responses but I'd imagine it has been suggested you read Ray Franz' works. I'd second that motion. And I'd second any motion made for you to hang out here with us for awhile and see there are many alternatives to the religious cult of Jehovah's Witnesses. I was in the cult for over 25 years, and I don't feel that I "took in" ANY spiritual food worthy of the name. I did waste a considerable portion of my life. And I received 95% of the basis for all the pain I've ever felt in my life as a result of my association with that cult.

    Anyway, I do hope you'll stick around and see what happens and see what you might learn here of a truly valuable spiritual nature.


  • Kenneson

    You are certainly most welcome to be here.

    The passage you inquire about is Acts 5:38-39.

    My experience is just the opposite of yours. I've been out since 1966 and never have had a desire to return. I've never felt freer. Jesus is sufficient for me. He is the one to whom one must go. He is the Word of God and Life. It's about a Person and our relationship to Him. Salvation is not through an organization.

  • Truth2Me

    Welcome, Utopian_Raindrop

    I too was in several other religions (I was a "born again Christain" too) before being discovered by JW's when they came to my door years ago....and I've been DF'ed for over three years now....and I struggle as we all do with where "to go" and why and how and all that stuff.....but I know that my relationship between me and my Creator is just that, between me and my Creator and not dependent upon the WTS or any other organization.....and it sounds like you've come to the same conclusion, but like all humans, seek the emotional support a religion can provide.

    I've found that I "need" this bored more when I'm feeling insecure and alone......the folks here remind me that I am not alone and that others do understand......I hope this bored does the same for you

    Several times I've seriously considered (now being one of those times) getting reinstated.....and after awhile the feeling passes.....and I've learned that it's normal to have those feelings....but I know that if I were to get reinstated I would be living a "double life" because I know "the truth about The Truth" now, so that I cannot embrace the org as I did when I was first became a Witness, and I know that ultimately I would not be true to myself by going back because I would be obligated to teach others things I sincerely no longer believe are true........the that does not ease the struggle inside. Just be true to yourself, and if you get reinstated, make sure that is what you truly truly want/need etc. The folks here would still be there for you. One of the things I really like about this board is that there are folks here from all kinds of backgrounds from all around the world...some on active JW's and some are D'fd, Disassociated...etc, but all are welcome....something that doesn't happen in person that I know of, but happens here.

    I know that though I really loved my life when I was a Witness....and I really love God (always have and always will) and I really miss my friends....if I were to get reinstated and then years later someone somewhere sometime finds out who I am and that I don't agree 100% with everything the WTS teaches, then I would be cast out.....and I don't think I could handle that. Some of the folks here on this board went through it and I think those folks must be wicked strong to have gotten through it, especially ones who grew up "in The Truth." I got myself D'fd.....on some level it was because I had a feeling something was "not quite right" with how the WTS does things.....but it was my own actions that led to my being D'fd and then I turned myself in....long story...but in retrospect I think I got myself kicked out because I knew it would be more difficult to "walk away."

    Okay, I just said a whole lot.....guess it needed to come out......

    Anyway....welcome, and much healing and happiness to you.


  • Jesika

    Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope to hear more from you in the future.

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