X 'Hovahs Who Still Believe

by TR 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TR

    Caught inbetween the WT doctrine and being "worldly", x 'hovahs live a strange life indeed. Sampling what the world has to offer, yet remaing loyal to WT doctrine is the dichotomy that is the loyal x 'hovah.

    My friend, let's call him "Gomer", is such a person. Undoubtedly bothered by this situation, Gomer refuses to delve into the world of the truth about the "truth". "I have no problem with the doctrine, it's the people I don't like", says Gomer. Well, so much for 'hovah "love". Gomer forcibly got himself df'd because of the perceived "treatment" at the hands of "God's people", yet he enjoys what the "world" has to offer while doing nothing about his religious beliefs. Gomer seems to have a "bi-polar" problem, and I wonder if this is due to the netherworld of being an unpracticing 'hovah that he is in.

    When I tell Gomer about my X 'hovah activities, he bristles and says, "I wouldn't do that". I say, "why not, you're talking to me right now, and you consider me to be your best friend." He mumbles and trails off.

    Another thing that bothers me about Gomer's thinking is that he often spouts, "God created man and man created religion", referring to man's incapability to do anything right. Yet, he believes in a man made doctrine, one that he doesn't even practice! How weird is that?! Well, I think that he "wants" to believe in it, but the reality is that it just don't work. He's afraid to admit that he could be wrong. He may be afraid to admit it, but his actions show otherwise. I told him how I felt when I left the WTS, fearing for my life and such, but I got over it after doing much research. He changes the subject instantly. So it goes with the X 'hovah that still believes.


  • NameWithheld

    It is an interesting twilight zone they live in, and I do think that a great number of those that do end up leaving never mentally leave. They chalk it up to a bad congo w/ bad people, or they are not 'good enough' to live 'up to the truth'. So off they go, but never mentally free themselves from the guilt that comes from being a 'hovah. These are the one you read about in the WT that get DF'ed go insane w/ sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll, then after $^#@ing up their lives think that the only way to 'fix' it is to return to 'hovah. Of course, they end up miserable no matter which life they choose, since either way they live under the 'hovah guilt plan.

  • TR

    Great thoughts, Name.

    It's sad but true. The WTS brand mind game prevents 'hovahs or even some x 'hovah from mentally freeing themselves. Yes, "Gomer" has led a trobled life. In, and out of the WTS. He can't hold a job for very long, and has sporadic drinking problems.


  • Matty

    I know of many people that always refer to themselves as Witnesses but never attend meetings or go out on the ministry. Why do they carry on like this? It's very sad that some people can't free themselves of the ideology even if they don't live the life.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I lived in this netherworld for quite some time. Of course, when I became inactive, it was prior to the Internet, so I really had no means of checking anything out. Initially, however, I don't suppose that I would have tried....the indoctrination ran deep.

    Slowly, however, more and more things just didn't make sense. The ultimate "blow" came when I read the list of cult characteristics that is listed on the freedomofmind site. I felt as if someone had literally punched me, its impact was so great.

    Once I realized that the JWs qualified as a cult in almost 98 percent of the criteria listed, the rest, as they say, was history.

    Sometimes people need to cling to what they know. Eventually your friend may finally begin to acknowledge that the "truth" really isn't.

  • detective

    Hey, I've got a "Gomer" too!

    Which, uh, sounds a little pervy when I say it like that.

    Also, My "Gomer" doesn't have a drinking problem.

    But he's still a believer, pretty much. Though, I don't know if he'd admit it if he weren't. It usually takes him awhile to acknowledge to acknowledge that sort of stuff anyway. So far, since his exit last spring, he's complained (briefly) three times about not being allowed to participate in sports while growing up. Other than that, he doesn't talk about his experiences. Ever. I mean, EVER. I ask about his parents and he doesn't mention the whole shunning thing, saying he isn't very close to them anyway. I've stopped asking about his former roomate who kicked him out after he was df'd. (Actually, I'll give the roomate credit for letting him stay a couple of months to save up for a rent deposit). He doesn't talk about the group at all really. Of course, he doesn't know that I KNOW when he's giving me a party-inspired line. for example, the other day he complained about electric bills skyrocketing due to Christmas lights. Ummm....huh? I'd think the fire hazard would be a better christmas light negative for the witness to repeat endlessly to themselves rather than the bizarre "skyrocketing light bill" which is apparently pretty popular.

    He "doesn't celebrate" Christmas but will exchange some gifts within the next few weeks anyway. He'll be spending the Thanksgiving with my family. He's beside himself with excitement. I'm glad. He doesn't have his own family, so he can have mine. And he's just crazy enough to want 'em. Go figure.
    (Nah, they're good)

    He went out and bought a lottery ticket, I guess he was feeling rebellious.

    Is he ready to really look at things and research. I don't think so. Not yet. But I'm optimistic. I don't want an endless "Gomer" on my hands. (yuck... weird, disturbing visual again...)

  • Xander

    As has been mentioned before, my wife is something of a 'gomer'.

    She's quite out, and hates them perhaps more than I do. She hates christianity, christians and their saviour.

    But, she still essentially believes in their god and the GB's teachings.

    (Which is as a good a proof as any that JWs aren't 'christians' - they cut the christ out of their religion a long time ago).

    It's very irritating because I see how it can get her down from time to time. It's also VERY hard to talk to her about it - she does change the subject a lot, gets irritated when I try and argue the religion w/ my brother, etc.

  • Satanus

    It's a crutch for those x'hovahs. Ever try to take away a crutch from someone who thinks he's crippled? He'll fight you tooth and nail to keep his crutch. How can they learn that they don't really need crutches? Maybe by facing their own fears.


  • TR

    Gomerville. Yes, the dark forboding place nestled in the psyche somewhere between fantasy and reality.

    Gomers treat the WTS as some sort of "sacred cow". They avoid it, can't eat it, they just leave it alone. The sad reality, I believe, is the carrot on the stick trick. Come and get it, or you'll die FOREVER. Trapped in Gomerville, Gomers hold out the hope that someday they'll return to the fold to eventually take part in the WTS's brand of world justice. That one second of doubt should occur, would send them into a momentary and sometimes lengthy, even lethal tailspin. So, as the WTS has taught them so well, they employ cognitive dissonance to avoid the nasty reality as they perceive it. They try not to think about the reality that they are not doing as Jehovah wants them to do, doing the best they can to abide by WTS rules.

    But maybe, just as long as they believe......Jehovah just might see their heart condition......maybe, just maybe......


  • TR


    How can they learn that they don't really need crutches? Maybe by facing their own fears.

    And this is the crutch, er crux of the situation. LOL! Gomers who don't have family that are still 'hovahs have the knowledge at their fingertips, but sadly aren't willing to reach out and grab the oppertunity to set the matter straight. All the agonizing is for naught. I was in Gomerville for two years before I grabbed that knowledge. Gomerville is not a nice place to visit, and I'd definately never live there!


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