Japan Lost 589 Congregations

by metatron 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    For some reason there's a difference between urban and rural congregations when it comes to splitting. Urban congregations are typically around 175 publishers with enough elders and ministerial servants to make viable servant bodies in both congregations. Rural congregations typically split at lower numbers, and they don't worry so much about the servant body. At least that's been my experience.

  • Roddy

    Lost 589 congregations? That is shocking as well as amazing!

    >>I remember too how Japan was promoted in the 80's as the example for all to follow here in the US.<<

    So true! I remember how Japan was practically placed on a pedestal and adored. Came up frequently in assembly talks, CO visit talks, assembly parts, and magazine articles - in order to energize people to pioneer.

    The Japanese mottos: "What prevents me from pioneering?" "Can you explain to Jehovah why you are not pioneering?" "There is no excuse for not serving Jehovah whole souled."

    *** w92 1/1 8 Love for Jehovah Stimulates True Worship ***
    A GROUP of 80 visitors from Japan were touring an Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in California, U.S.A. Delightful surroundings, including a garden complete with blue jays, doves, and hummingbirds, made them feel even closer to their Grand Creator, Jehovah God. Their tour guide soon realized that almost everyone in the group was serving full-time as a pioneer. So, later, the group was asked a question that has often been posed: "Why are there so many pioneers in Japan?" For a moment there was silence. Then one young woman volunteered a response: "Because we love Jehovah."

    *** yb98 104-5 Japan ***
    Enthusiastic Pioneer Spirit

    In spite of the shrinking territory and growing religious apathy, there continues to be great enthusiasm for the pioneer service. In the spring, when large numbers of auxiliary pioneers join the pioneer ranks, the total of all pioneers swells to more than 50 percent of the publishers. In March 1997, 108,737 were serving as pioneers.

    A question often asked is, "Why are there so many pioneers in Japan?" There appear to be several factors. The foundation for postwar growth in Japan was laid by zealous missionaries, and appreciative students endeavor to imitate those who teach them. (Luke 6:40) As a result, a heritage of zeal for the ministry was passed on to the next generation of disciples. Also, it is generally true that Japanese homes are quite modest, thus requiring little time for upkeep, and for the most part, lives are traditionally kept simple. This can make it easier for housewives to give priority to spiritual interests. (Matt. 6:22, 33) Additionally, the climate is generally moderate in Japan, and there have been favorable political and economic conditions in the country.

    Cultural background and national traits appear to be still another factor. On the whole, the Japanese people are obedient to directions, responsive to encouragement from the group, and enthusiastic in their work. Touching on this, Shinichi Tohara, a Japanese-American who came to Japan as one of the first postwar missionaries, said: 'Kamikaze pilots died for the emperor by aiming their aircraft at the enemy warships. If the Japanese are that faithful to human lords, what would they do if they found the true Lord, Jehovah?' Yes, a keen desire to please Jehovah is behind every application to pioneer.

    Parents Who Pioneer

    Who are the pioneers? A majority are sisters, most of whom are married and have children. Many pioneer without spiritual support from unbelieving husbands and relatives.

    "When I started to pioneer, my youngest daughter was just a few months old," says Mutsuko of Fujisawa, who has been pioneering for over 20 years. "My husband, working for a bank, usually did not get home until after we got back from our evening meetings. Even though it required a great deal of effort, I wanted to continue my pioneering." She was rewarded when all three of her children, upon graduating from high school, joined her in the pioneer service. After many years of opposition and then indifference, her husband too began to change. What a joy it was to Mutsuko when, in the congregation, she listened to her son deliver the first half of a public talk, followed by her husband, who gave the rest!

    Pioneering fathers too exercise a fine influence. Hisataka knew that his father had quit his position as a teacher of data processing so that he could pioneer. During Hisataka's summer vacation from grade school, his father invited him to accompany him on his job, delivering milk early in the morning. "About the time the eastern sky became filled with glorious hues of orange," Hisataka recalls, "Father expressed to me his intimate feelings about how rewarding it is to serve Jehovah whole-souled. Seeing him joyfully toil for Jehovah moved me more than any words possibly could." Hisataka now serves as a member of the Ebina Bethel family.

    *** jv 394 World Headquarters and Principal Offices of Jehovah's Witnesses-in Pictures ***
    [Pictures on page 394]


    Jehovah's Witnesses in Japan, as elsewhere, are zealous proclaimers of God's Kingdom. In 1992 alone, they devoted upwards of 85,000,000 hours to preaching the good news. On an average, about 45 percent of the Japanese Witnesses share in the pioneer service each month.

    Bible literature is published here in many languages, including Japanese, Chinese, and languages of the Philippines

    A Regional Engineering Office assists with work on branch facilities in various lands

    [Graph on page 394]

    (For fully formatted text, see publication)

    Pioneers in Japan




    1975 1980 1985 1992

  • DanTheMan

    While WT will continue, I think a large-scale exodus in one of the major WT countries would be a big blow to the boys in Brooklyns' psyche.

    I hope they leave in droves in Japan in the coming years.

    I wish JW's in Brazil and Mexico would wake up.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    By Watchtower Correspondant "Alligator Wisdom" . (who recently moved to Japan and is doing the fade)

    True! The shrinkage of congregations in Japan is due to the "consolidation" factor. In fact, our Kingdom Hall has just added one congregation last month to share the building. The additional group was a Sign Language congregation. Their former Hall had disbanded the three congregations that was meeting there.

    This all corresponds with the "bubble economy" factor that was part of Japan's fast paced growth during the 80's and early 90's. As you may know, many of the industrial giants of Japan had multiplied and grown tremendously during those years (hence, the "BUBBLE"). This also coincided with the growth of the WT and JW's here. But since the economy isn't as prosperous as once was, even the industrial giants (electronics, banks, auto makers...etc.) are also "consolidating" within their enterprises. This is in order to save money and stretch to keep their heads above water. Since everything is very expensive in Japan compared to the rest of the world, I'm sure that the Branch Office here made the same move as their "corporation" counterparts.

    Another major factor here is that the youths of JW's are now having a challenge remaining within the ORG. This will contribute to the decline in the years to come. The younger generation here are really endeavoring to plan on how they themselves can keep afloat since the "END" isn't as close as they were taught. Also, these younger ones may also be exploring the internet and discovering for themselves what the WT Society is really based on. (I myself have noticed many anti-JW sites that are popping up in the Japanese language).

    When they look behind, they will find my place "in-line" vacant . (SEE YA', BUT I WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YA'.)

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

    EDITED to add (see ya' ~)

    Edited by - aLLIGATOR wISDOM on 27 November 2002 5:7:24

  • ozziepost

    Many thanks for your report and observations, Alligator.

    Would you consider being our permanent correspondent?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Dia

    Unlike the easily scandalized US, which just shrugs off a whole lot of really crummy stuff and keeps right on goin', 'shame' in Japanese and other Asian societies is a BIG 'no-no'.

    'As for me and my household...' we're with the Japanese on this one!

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom


    Sure! Permanent correspondent! ~ I like titles!

    However, I can only relate the "latest goings-on" only within the frequency of my contact with the JW's and WT Society here in Japan. Like I said, when they look behind, they'll find my place "in-line" vacant.

    Glad to do what I can in the information department from the land of the Rising Sun.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    OK...I had to get hubby's yearbooks for this one. I have the 2000 yearbook and it shows 3732 congregations in Japan..

    Then the 2002 yearbook shows 3305 congregations in Japan. So I have the current number..which is still a decrease. of 427!

    So I looked at the publishers..which is a crock but...in 2000 book they had 222,857.

    In 2002 they had 220,113.

    Those are peak publishers...and the numbers are for the year before the book..2000 is really for 1999 and 2002 is really for 2001.


    Now the reason this was of interest to me is because Hubby just announced today that in Africa they are coming into the "Truth" so fast that they can't study with everyone!.He was bragging about their incease . So..I remembered reading this a while back and decided to look into it!..Well I showed him..and then the tune changed!..He said "The bible said many will fall away near the end!"..I told him they can't lose!..they have an answer ready for everything

    I told myself that since he is sick..I wouldn't argue with him about religion any more. But his cousin called and we were talking about him after he hung up. He said he told his cousin one time that only 144,000 were going to heaven.Then he said his cousin said "He" was going to go to heaven. Will hubby thought that was rediculous..he thought his cousin was nuts. And of course I said EVERYONE has their on beliefs..mostly they are taught by the parents..and some later by someone that influenced them!.

    So thanks for pointing that out to us..makes good reading!..



    Edited by - Golden Girl on 28 November 2002 15:22:20

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Update on Japan's congregation figures: 2008 Yearbook = 3,177 congregations. 2009 Yearbook = 3,177 congregations. No additions, no subtractions. Makes me wonder... Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • Tuesday

    Now maybe it's from too many Kung Fu Theatre movies but I thought that Japan's culture was big on honor. Therefore I doubt it would come across well if publications say that JWs didn't teach something or didn't say something and it was then proven that they did. Also I would say changing teachings would be a huge dishonor I would assume.

    The consolidation thing, I can see that happening quite a bit, but I can't see it going over 500 due to just consolidation. Halls would have to have lost members in order to be considered for consolidation before it was completed.

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